Law of Attraction and Me being a Money Magnet

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Thu Jan 26, 2023 12:16 pm

Re: Law of Attraction and Me being a Money Magnet
Originally Posted by Panthera View Post
For me the last week has been slow as fuck camming wise, probably the slowest week of the whole year, but somehow I managed to buy everything I needed (school supplies and new clothes for my kid, healthy food, pay rent AND some nice clothes and shoes for me and hubby) because we found some incredible sales, and some money we had forgotten about in a drawer.

Hubs and I are very much into the LOA now, so we both tried our best to keep the vibration high and to stay positive (despite the environment that we are finding ourselves into, and some health issues), and now I realized that if I get pissed off because I am not making money on cam, I block my own avenues through which abundance could come into my life, because camming is only one way, bu the Universe knows infinite ways! For a thick skulled Aries like me, it was like this for a long time: "If I am not making money, I suck, FML, I'll be broke" Now I started to get wise and understand that there are soo many ways that I may not even know of in which things can get arranged for you, in order for your life to be abundant, even if at the first glance the money you are actually making isn't that good.

I just wanted to add that here because it's not as obvious as when we visualize big amounts and we actually attract them, at times it does not work like that, especially for people like me for whom visualizing something is a struggle (but then when it comes to bad things, my brain is a damn movie director).

Keeping the vibration high (do more of what you love, keep a positive approach, focus only on that which you want, ignore what you do not want, accept what you cannot change and move on, etc.) is key to good things coming your way, not necessarily in the form of actual dollars, but either as discounts, gifts, freebies and so on.

Hope this made sense, I am struggling a bit when it comes to putting my thoughts into words.
I missed this post. Shame.

Dayum sis, THIS is the Law in action. Well thought out post & thank you for the good vibes!
09-19-2019, 10:35 AMMiss_ShaSha
Re: Law of Attraction and Me being a Money Magnet

My last post included a new plan to watch the Secret every night for a month. In addition to that I fell asleep to positive affirmations of self-confidence, health, wealth, and abundance every night. I also scripted and visualized a goal of seeing $4000 in deposits to my bank account.

Ladies! At the end of August I checked my bank account, and LEGIT it said $3926 in deposits. I have NOT seen more than $2500 in deposits to that bank account since I got it 4 years ago.

09-20-2019, 12:50 PMAurora_Sunset
Re: Law of Attraction and Me being a Money Magnet
Yesterday, as I was running my ever-loving ass off at my vanilla job, I just couldn't stop thinking about some of my happiest moments where I felt like a success, and they all came from sex work. It had nothing to do with the amount of money, but the realization of freedom, independence, and relative ease. Whether it was the piddling $80 I made my first crummy dayshift stripping, $800 from my first escort appointment, or any of the random amounts of money I made from my brief foray into camming after working minimum wage for awhile or my best single day of escorting after blowing off a vanilla job that seemed like it wouldn't actually be a good fit... I just remember that rush, the exhilaration, and feeling that everything was going to be ok if I could obtain something like that through following my own path and breaking away from the "norm" and shitty jobs that people are expected to struggle through in society...

I don't know if I'll ever be able to go back to sw, but I need that feeling again, some way, somehow. I'm trying to get back into LOA and focusing on those moments and telling the universe that I want more of THAT feeling, even if it can't come from that exact source anymore. Surely, there's a way to obtain it in the "real world" without shitty direct sales calls or scammy shit or something. I think sw came into my life to show me that that type of success, freedom, independence, money, and feeling are possible. And now I have to ask the universe to find another path to it for me. But at least I KNOW it's out there, and don't have to suffer through the miserable "settling" mindset of most people who laugh when people talk about doing anything greater than continuing to struggle and be unhappy like 99% of people.

I have been in that mindset lately, and it's dragging me down. It mostly depresses me because I KNOW there's better out there. I've just been hung up on the idea that it could only ever come from sw. I need to stop focusing on it as my only outlet for fulfillment. It came to my life to show me that possibility, and now I simply have to change and refine the vehicle through which it comes, and have faith that it will. That's what I'm working on from now on until I find it.
09-21-2019, 12:26 PMMissAdriana
Re: Law of Attraction and Me being a Money Magnet
Since I found out about Neville Goddard and practicing his techniques I've manifested what I want more CONSISTENTLY. I'm starting to better understand how it works and why I often got half of what I wanted or not exactly. I have been studying LOA since 2003 and ONLY NOW starting to really get it. I would often remember bad days or arguments and replay those negative memories in my head not knowing I was visualizing them to occur again!! Anybody else mentally argue with their boss or spouse in the shower!? I did and it is so bad because this is MANIFESTING ffs! I finally get it

What matters most is: do something to trigger the feeling of HAVING what you want already. I'm now only using imagination. And feeling it DONE to the point where it is NATURAL for you to have it. Whatever that is when repeated will sink into the subconscious mind and then become your reality.

Imagine it & feel it real

When it comes to FEELING you use all your senses. NOT your emotions. Emotions can help to manifest good and bad things but you don't need to use your emotions to manifest. You use your feelings or SENSES, bring it into the past or present tense!!!

An example of doing LOA wrong for me was a long gratitude list and writing affirmations every day, or saying them, and not FEELING them to be true or real. It became a to do/chore. Writing out lines of "I made $X per day" with no feeling. It was futile. Don't do this.

Quoting you all because upon coming back to this thread with the knowledge I have now I can better understand how it works to apply it and get consistent results because we have already proved it true. There are common denominators in our manifestations

Originally Posted by Driven View Post
I visualized making 500 last night, and I actually did!
Originally Posted by MissFoxxx View Post
I went into work visualizing walking out with $500, stayed in a good mood, and made $650! I just tried to channel good feelings and joy and have fun all night.
Originally Posted by Money_Worshipper View Post
well what works for me is don't think how you will make the money. visualize and feel that you are counting your money. i used to visualize men coming to ask me for dances when i was new. i realized i was doing this not becuase of money but because of ego based.
Originally Posted by Money_Worshipper View Post
it's exactly how i used the law. before going to work, i would visualize counting so much money and feeling as if it already happened.
Originally Posted by smeca View Post
and i listened/sang to that annoying 'i am a magnet to money' song on youtube... one with awesome picutres of wads of cash. i could feel it in my hand. edit after wokr: i got my vip at the end of the night and exceeded my target (total should have been 5 under my target, but club forgot to take extra vip charges off so i exceeded target!).
Originally Posted by smeca View Post
I practised being grateful last night for the money I make, and asked the 'universe' for a specific amount, then acted like I already had it. Made it to the £.
Originally Posted by The_Ecdysiast View Post
believing, feeling, and acting like you already have your desire is critical vs just wishing/visualizing it. Her
Originally Posted by BustyVixen View Post
I felt the joy and excitement of doing so and pictured a big smile on my face later that night while I took a bath after making my money. I cammed yesterday and made $407, there was a point when I was at $372 and I almost gave up but I didn't, I knew the money was coming and it did! I had sold a few clips earlier in the day so I had made about $430. I was pleased with this and went in my bath..when I got out something told me to check my email and I saw one guy came through my C4S store and bought $88 worth of clips! I made over $500 yesterday and it was because I believed that I already did!
Originally Posted by wednesday86 View Post
Last week I could not dance or even sell on ebay and only had $200 in my account after moving. Normally I would freak out and get down on myself, but instead I just pretended that it was $2,000 rather than $200 and just stayed calm and expected all the money I need to come to me.
Every time I sold a CR or a dance, I would go to the DR after, smell the money, count it and thank the universe for giving it to me...When I would back out, someone else would grab me for a dance or CR, and everyone tipped me without me even asking.
Originally Posted by SweetCandy View Post
I visualized a customer giving me a really nice tip and paying me more money then the regular amount of my fee. I went to sleep with my meditation/positive affirmation playlist going and sure enough today I got a client who tipped me a decent amount today!!!
Originally Posted by Metal Vanity View Post
something that helps me is when im focusing on my affirmations or doing my money meditation, i will look at money, rub money between my fingers, or smell money.. its weird, but it works =)
Originally Posted by CandySora View Post
I got out (dollar bills lol, because that's how broke I was) money from my wallet and started touching it and smelling it. I got three bookings this morning. I'm a huge empiricist or whatever, but this is enough evidence for me at the moment.
Originally Posted by MissJu View Post
Couple of days ago i begun manifesting money like crazy and money manifested pretty well i told myself i have 3000$! And i was imagening money,smell, 20$, counting them in my mind.. And i got it all what asked in 2 days.
Originally Posted by submissive bitch View Post
a trick i use is (kinda weird probably) is to keep my money next to me while i'm camming on the desk. it's a constant reminder to manifest & sometimes i smell it lol because it is the strongest of our five senses & puts me in that place.
Originally Posted by Cutie101 View Post
But, while I was sitting in the bathtub, I've put a mask on my face, closed my eyes and started to imagine how would it be if i'd make $500. Then I tried to convince myself that I will make $500. I've let the warm water soak me well, while I was closing my eyes and started to tell myself that rich members are looking to spoil me tonight. They want me. They desire me. MY advice, after all theese experiences: If an idea looks insane, more than sure it's not gonna happen. So, try to find a way that convinces you, that, that thing is going to happen.
Originally Posted by Miss_ShaSha View Post
I also scripted and visualized a goal of seeing $4000 in deposits to my bank account.
Originally Posted by Scarlett Monroe View Post
So I had imagined receiving 500 for the day and then I imagined being able to pay my Bill's. I almost got there . I made 400 instead of 5 but I'm still grateful
Originally Posted by Miss_ShaSha View Post
I visualized how I wanted the shift to go. I saw myself doing long shows with customers. I also visualized making $218 which is $18 higher than my high goal for the day. I also studied a list of positive characteristics I had created that I want my customers to possess. At the beginning of the shift, I pulled up and typed out a doc with things such as: "I love how easily I make money", "I love how men give me GOLD tips to see me smile", or "men are very attracted to me".
Originally Posted by buttonpop View Post
When you spend the last of your money on a bill, kiss it before you send it off and be grateful you had enough for the bill and just imagine that money going out into the economy and coming back to you multiplied. This mindset will also help you get into apathy about how much you make. When you KNOW you're already wealthy and abundant, you stop feeling that desperate need of getting money now, you just relax into the knowledge that you already have it and more is coming sooner or later.
Originally Posted by LoveyDovey View Post
I find that when you set goals and intend to reach them, you will naturally receive guidance on how to implement changes. Like, the answers will just come to you when you need them. So just hold the vision of what you want, and take the steps as they come.
Originally Posted by Myathemaid View Post
You must have inside you the feeling that attracts money. I learned from Abraham Hicks. That feeling is gratitude.
Originally Posted by fetishqueen View Post
I read an early post on this thread that explained about asking for something, throwing it out there and imagining it floating into the universe, then to imagine it coming back and being grateful. So I asked today for £200. I also read the post as it was written, saying i didn't know how I'd get it, but I believed I would. I make clips so it wouldn't be impossible to earn it that way but it's a lot for me.I just opened a letter telling me that my mortgage company miscalculated my payment recently and because of their error they were adding - wait for it - £222 to my account! I created the situation
We are all creating every situation but because we aren't doing it consciously and purposefully 100% of the time we often end up with a mixed bag

Originally Posted by Panthera View Post
I was listening to that sound saying my Thanks... but then the sound went on again...and on again...and 2 more times, and I was like... "OMG, the ATM is probably out of money, but they probably recorded my transaction... I need to call the bank...damn, its Saturday and no one is here"...and so on, while the sound kept repeating itself. After like 3 or 4 times it stopped and gave me the money. And then it hit me...I wanted to hear the sound more... so the Universe gave it to me!
You can use that sound in your visualizations to trigger yourself to feel it like you are getting paid more often. Since you were only feeling the sound real the sound is all you got.

Originally Posted by h0ttie View Post
i've started tipping really well wherever i go, like 40%, sometimes even more. my goal now is to always give a tip that they will be happily surprised with. since i have started this my earnings have shot up.
Apparently the reason why this works is because you have faith you are going to make that money back and that you ALREADY HAVE more than enough to give. Seems backwards but its not. The reason just feeling grateful works is because you are feeling as though you already have something to be grateful for.

All of Neville Goddard's books are free online as well as some lectures of him speaking on youtube.
09-22-2019, 11:53 AMMiss_ShaSha
Re: Law of Attraction and Me being a Money Magnet
^^Yes! When I visualize I also FEEL things like relief, happiness, and accomplishment. I realize lately I've lacked in the feeling department and mainly focused on visualization so things didn't go as planned. This comes at a good time as this week is brand new and I'm going into it with lots of feeling.

09-27-2019, 05:02 PMMissAdriana
Re: Law of Attraction and Me being a Money Magnet
OMG YAS so the SENSE of accomplishment/relief/carefree. Not so much the emotions tied to it though they do play a part. So many LOA teachers make it sound like you gotta be happy 24/7 to get what you want and that is not true.

I've manifested a lot of crap in the past. Now I finally know why. I would mentally imagine myself homeless, struggling, hungry and FEEL stress and worry along with that. No wonder I attracted it.

Since using this new technique of pretending what I want is already here I not only feel better but actually have had lots of CONSISTENT results with good days at work, money, free items, gifts, clothes, and people around me are changing too.

1 of my friends I just visualized what I thought a better life for her would be basically just seeing her happy in my minds eye, 40 days later she dumped her bf and won a small lottery so it 100% works. I just need to practice more. I think it's like a muscle, the more you practice the easier it gets

Currently Im working on manifesting some more money and a sephora gift card
09-27-2019, 10:35 PMgolddiggerAF
Re: Law of Attraction and Me being a Money Magnet
I love this thread soooo freaking much. I found out about LoA back in 2013 and I'm still learning how to stay in the vortex after all this time. I used it today while on hold with my bank. It usually takes at LEAST 30 minutes to get anything resolved because of call hold time. So I just started to feel thankful for favor and excited about skipping to the front of the line... about 2 minutes into holding, I got an agent to help me (there was a block on my account preventing me from activating new debit card.)

Well, after I hung up with the agent, I was able to log in to my account but it still said the card was inactive. Instead of huffing and puffing, I just called them back with the same attitude of gratitude that my calls were being handled so quickly. This time around, as soon as I pressed 0 to speak with an agent, I was automatically on with a live agent. No wait time at all.

That has NEVER happened and I've been with this bank since 2015.

Life is really just a big mind-fucking video game. LoA is the cheat code!
10-04-2019, 12:06 PMMissAdriana
Re: Law of Attraction and Me being a Money Magnet
OK so it's only been a week but I think I sort of half-manifested something. I was visualizing a sephora gift card, yesterday I went on a super small shopping trip and I got a card with my purchase. It is $25 off when you spend $75+. So I think I didn't go to the end enough, cuz why would I imagine a card when I dont want a card? I want makeup.

Instead of visualizing a gift card this time I am going to visualize using the actual makeup that I would buy with the card and hopefully that works better
10-07-2019, 02:39 AMMiss_ShaSha
Re: Law of Attraction and Me being a Money Magnet
I've been trying for 3 weeks to manifest $1000 a week on cam. I wasn't able to. Instead of giving up, I tried to figure out why it wasn't happening. I watched The Secret several times, read a couple books on LOA, and then realized I was attached to NEEDING the $1000. I realized what I was doing was focusing on $1000 so much and NEEDING it that what I was manifesting was a LACK of money.

A couple days ago I surrendered. I gave up on making $1000. I made peace with needing it. Then I continued to follow my positive practices. I fell asleep to positive affirmations of self-confidence, health, wealth, abundance, and prosperity; I meditated on the Ho'oponopono; right before bed I'd go over in my head everything I was grateful for.

I hadn't given up on LOA, but instead went back to the basics. I mentioned in my previous post that I was visualizing success, but there was a lack of feeling. So Sunday morning I woke up, did the Ho'oponopono, then visualized making $312 on cam.

In this visualization I saw the exact amount of $312 in my earnings page then conjured up strong feelings of relief and gratitude. After I did these two things I got ready for my cam shift and just made it a point to be in a really good mood. My vibration was very high and I worked to keep it high all day.

During my cam shift, when my mood would dip, I played binaural beats with subliminal messages on LOA. This kept me calm and focused. whole goal was to keep my vibration high.

Ladies, it worked. I manifested more than $300. In fact, it was $346.53 It is the single highest amount I've ever earned on cam. And I believe it's because I surrendered.

So with LOA we do need to visualize, we need to infuse feelings, and we need to detach. I was missing the detached portion. I literally have, for the last two days, acted like I have more than enough money.

I'm going to follow exactly what I've been doing and see if I can manifest $1000 this week. Now that I'm aware of my mistakes, I think I just might be able to do this. I'll report back soon.
10-07-2019, 04:13 AMIfyouseekamy
Re: Law of Attraction and Me being a Money Magnet
Also, we live in a time space reality so it takes time. My club has gone doooownnn hill. It was awful last Saturday, but I kept using LOA and I made half my goal. Anyways, I was wanting to make a $1000. I did in two shifts instead of one weekend shift. So sometimes I think we need to remember it takes time. Also, I agree ☝️ we have to detach from outcome.
10-07-2019, 07:07 PMMiss_ShaSha
Re: Law of Attraction and Me being a Money Magnet
^^Right. Good point. Happy to hear about your manifestation. That had to have felt good.
10-08-2019, 01:38 AMIfyouseekamy
Re: Law of Attraction and Me being a Money Magnet
Originally Posted by Miss_ShaSha View Post
^^Right. Good point. Happy to hear about your manifestation. That had to have felt good.
Thanks babe. I’m just started using LOA. So far so good. I started with parking spaces because it’s pretty simple. I’ve gotten a great parking spot almost every day before class. Which is amazing because the lot is usually full. Yay! LOA
10-08-2019, 10:44 AMMiss_ShaSha
Re: Law of Attraction and Me being a Money Magnet
^^SCORE! Yeah, I've watched the Secret so many times and starting out with something small is a sure fire way to increase confidence in the Law and urge you to try for more. That's rad really. I never did parking spaces or coffee. I started with money then a relationship. I have been able to manifest these things and damn does it feel good.

I've been doing the Ho'oponopono before my cam shifts, during, and after and for this week? WILD, I've generated A LOT of income so far. I'm gonna stick to my visualizations, feelings, and detachment. Hoping for the best.
10-11-2019, 02:01 PMMissAdriana
Re: Law of Attraction and Me being a Money Magnet
Awhile ago I was visualizing drinking a free coffee from a specific local cafe, some time passed, I did it daily for a good month and it never happened. Well every single day this week people have been bringing me coffee and I don't want it anyymore like stop it!!! LOL Still visualizing my makeup and also more $ What I'm going to visualize this time is holding cash and counting it and focus on feeling relief

edit: I got a free latte today LOL
10-16-2019, 08:41 AMMiss_ShaSha
Re: Law of Attraction and Me being a Money Magnet
Originally Posted by Miss_ShaSha View Post
I've been trying for 3 weeks to manifest $1000 a week on cam. I wasn't able to. Instead of giving up, I tried to figure out why it wasn't happening. I watched The Secret several times, read a couple books on LOA, and then realized I was attached to NEEDING the $1000. I realized what I was doing was focusing on $1000 so much and NEEDING it that what I was manifesting was a LACK of money.

A couple days ago I surrendered. I gave up on making $1000. I made peace with needing it. Then I continued to follow my positive practices. I fell asleep to positive affirmations of self-confidence, health, wealth, abundance, and prosperity; I meditated on the Ho'oponopono; right before bed I'd go over in my head everything I was grateful for.

I hadn't given up on LOA, but instead went back to the basics. I mentioned in my previous post that I was visualizing success, but there was a lack of feeling. So Sunday morning I woke up, did the Ho'oponopono, then visualized making $312 on cam.

In this visualization I saw the exact amount of $312 in my earnings page then conjured up strong feelings of relief and gratitude. After I did these two things I got ready for my cam shift and just made it a point to be in a really good mood. My vibration was very high and I worked to keep it high all day.

During my cam shift, when my mood would dip, I played binaural beats with subliminal messages on LOA. This kept me calm and focused. whole goal was to keep my vibration high.

Ladies, it worked. I manifested more than $300. In fact, it was $346.53 It is the single highest amount I've ever earned on cam. And I believe it's because I surrendered.

So with LOA we do need to visualize, we need to infuse feelings, and we need to detach. I was missing the detached portion. I literally have, for the last two days, acted like I have more than enough money.

I'm going to follow exactly what I've been doing and see if I can manifest $1000 this week. Now that I'm aware of my mistakes, I think I just might be able to do this. I'll report back soon.
Didn't manifest $1000, but I did manifest almost $900 which is far more than I've been able to manifest in a few weeks.

Last week I did the Ho'oponopono (a negative energy clearing meditation session) several times daily and also visualized $1000 in my earnings report while feeling a sense of relief, happiness, and accomplishment.

Now trying the Ho'oponopono in addition to EFT (emotion freedom technique) plus visualizations and feelings to do well during this SM contest.
10-18-2019, 03:35 PMMissAdriana
Re: Law of Attraction and Me being a Money Magnet
Great story Cutie!!

No progress on the makeup yet but I'm still continuing. I've gotten some type of drink every day for a week now LOL
10-30-2019, 09:00 AMMiss_ShaSha
Re: Law of Attraction and Me being a Money Magnet
Originally Posted by Miss_ShaSha View Post

My last post included a new plan to watch the Secret every night for a month. In addition to that I fell asleep to positive affirmations of self-confidence, health, wealth, and abundance every night. I also scripted and visualized a goal of seeing $4000 in deposits to my bank account.

Ladies! At the end of August I checked my bank account, and LEGIT it said $3926 in deposits. I have NOT seen more than $2500 in deposits to that bank account since I got it 4 years ago.


Dude, I don't even know what to say right now or how I really feel. I almost met the last intention I set of visualizing and seeing $4000 in deposits to my checking account in that previous post. Well, I didn't abandon that intention. For the month of October I visualized $4000 in deposits to my checking account and felt good feelings, mostly feelings of relief and a warm sensation in my chest. Kind of the same feelings I have when I meditate deeply. I fell asleep every night to 3 positive affirmations albums focused on self-confidence, health, wealth, abundance, and prosperity. I also did the Ho'oponopono 2 sometimes 3 times a day as well as did some EFT tapping for abundance.

Well...fuck! Just checked my bank account and legit: $4050 in deposits to my checking account this month!!! Jesus Christ! I don't know how this happened. I've never deposited this much money into this account. I can't even right now. This is just all so surreal.

UNIVERSE: thank you sooooo much!!!
10-31-2019, 05:35 AMVictoria_Gray
Re: Law of Attraction and Me being a Money Magnet
I wanted to add this here...

I am not stripping, but am doing online sex work (PSO, clips, AVN Stars profile, etc).

After reading this I thought to myself that I may as well give this a go. It couldn't hurt to be a bit more upbeat, so I went for it.

Today has been a great little money spinner for me. I seem to have ebbs and flows, but I am in full flow and it's brilliant! Weather it is being in a higher vibration, brexit being called off again, or just coincidence, I don't mind. I am happy to be making more cash than any other day this week so far! x
10-31-2019, 05:37 AMVictoria_Gray
Re: Law of Attraction and Me being a Money Magnet
Originally Posted by Miss_ShaSha View Post
Dude, I don't even know what to say right now or how I really feel. I almost met the last intention I set of visualizing and seeing $4000 in deposits to my checking account in that previous post. Well, I didn't abandon that intention. For the month of October I visualized $4000 in deposits to my checking account and felt good feelings, mostly feelings of relief and a warm sensation in my chest. Kind of the same feelings I have when I meditate deeply. I fell asleep every night to 3 positive affirmations albums focused on self-confidence, health, wealth, abundance, and prosperity. I also did the Ho'oponopono 2 sometimes 3 times a day as well as did some EFT tapping for abundance.

Well...fuck! Just checked my bank account and legit: $4050 in deposits to my checking account this month!!! Jesus Christ! I don't know how this happened. I've never deposited this much money into this account. I can't even right now. This is just all so surreal.

UNIVERSE: thank you sooooo much!!!
10-31-2019, 05:39 AMIfyouseekamy
Re: Law of Attraction and Me being a Money Magnet
That’s awesome. I need to do more law of attraction work. I have a crisis I’m dealing with, so I can’t work. I’m going visualize going back to work soon and killing it.

Thanks for the good vibes sista
10-31-2019, 12:31 PMMiss_ShaSha
Re: Law of Attraction and Me being a Money Magnet
Originally Posted by victoria_gray View Post
i wanted to add this here...

I am not stripping, but am doing online sex work (pso, clips, avn stars profile, etc).

After reading this i thought to myself that i may as well give this a go. It couldn't hurt to be a bit more upbeat, so i went for it.

Today has been a great little money spinner for me. I seem to have ebbs and flows, but i am in full flow and it's brilliant! Weather it is being in a higher vibration, brexit being called off again, or just coincidence, i don't mind. I am happy to be making more cash than any other day this week so far! X
fuck yes!!!
11-02-2019, 03:52 PMCutie101
Re: Law of Attraction and Me being a Money Magnet
OMG how could I forget about the woman that helped me the most, in my manifestations??? Ok, not personally, but her channel is pure gold so...
Subscribe to her! I can't reccomend a specific video, because of all her chanel has great content about manifestation and LOA.
There she is
11-04-2019, 02:20 PMDigiLuv
Re: Law of Attraction and Me being a Money Magnet
Sometimes its hard to believe the saying "just feel good and it will come" lol. Ego says it can't be that simple gotta try harder. Although its so easy once your in a good mood mainly a peaceful state not necessarily bouncing off the wall excitement because that eventually wears off. I looked back on my life and the times I had the most money flowing in I was not worried about it I was just focused in the moment. I need to remember along with the techniques I do daily to try to stay in a good mood of having everything I want already. Also while I'm camming to monitor my feelings take breaks when I feel a dip. Now I'm doing 8 hrs a day at least 5 to 6 days a week so I really have to balance my mood out. Day 1 of my experiment.
11-05-2019, 02:22 PMDigiLuv
Re: Law of Attraction and Me being a Money Magnet
I watched this video this morning before my cam shift. A good reminder to not focus on the how.

11-07-2019, 02:41 PMMiss_ShaSha
Re: Law of Attraction and Me being a Money Magnet
Originally Posted by DigiLuv View Post
I watched this video this morning before my cam shift. A good reminder to not focus on the how.

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Sat Jan 28, 2023 1:49 am

Thank god this was saved.

aka Genoveve
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