Phone sex operator support thread

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Wed Jan 25, 2023 9:27 am

Nikki_Fox;3102161 wrote:I was curious regarding this also - I dont think the other person was trying to "correct" your language. TTM is just a "platform " to advertise our talker services they are not our employer we are independent contractors
PSOcodemonkey;3102180 wrote:Well, while it might be debatable whether or not we are actually contractors (they issue a 1099-MISC which is usually used for contractors, not a 1099-K used for payment services ), TTM does not view us as contractors or employees. ... ktome-com/
Nikki_Fox;3102190 wrote:I suppose my point was more to the fact that we are not employees to be laid off - and since they are using a contractor 1099 to report our earnings............ Interesting that they went to great lengths to say what we are not but never said what we are?? But I did not dig into the TOS/Contract to find the answer - I guess we are Facilitators ;D

I saw a post in the TTM thread from the OP - the OP was deactivated for not answering calls not laid off per se
PhatGirlDynomite!!!;3102540 wrote:Landlines are the only way to ensure a crisp clear connection that sits above 95% in performance. With VoIP services it's really beyond your control. You can reset your modems. I'm not sure why you're not using a direct call to a cell phone?
PSOcodemonkey;3102551 wrote:Quality voip services (with use of a sip compatible phone or ATA) are often better than traditional copper service (assuming you have decent internet service). The reason is phone companies are letting their traditional copper networks basically rot. ... fall-apart
PSOcodemonkey;3102552 wrote:If you are using VOIP for work, you really want to use a phone that accepts SIP connections or an unlocked ATA device (analog telephone adapter) such as an Obi, just one of many brands. Also make sure that the phone or ATA, is connected to your internet through your router, not through your computer. If your router has the option, make sure that a certain % of your connection is reserved for your phone or ATA. That way, no matter how much stuff your computer is doing, it will make sure your phone is still going strong. Do not use a soft phone or browser based phone for work. ATA devices are cheap, and allow you subscribe to quality VOIP services that use Tier 1 carriers. SIP compatible phones are now cheaper than they were, esp if you buy used on eBay.

Super cheap and free VOIP services often use the "cheapest route" which will give you service that can sometimes have issues. Do your research on quality services. A really good board to check out for VOIP services, devices, etc is There are great services that are low cost, but not free and offer great overall quality.

The "skipping" you are experiencing has more to do with your computer than with your internet (most likely) if you are using a soft phone or browser based phone on your computer. Make sure you do not have any programs doing automatic updating, or virus scans, or backups, checking email, or IM service etc while using a soft phone if you are having the skipping issue. If using a soft phone with skipping issues, make sure your computer is basically doing nothing other than than the soft phone. If you are using a VPN, your soft phone connection is going through that as well most likely, which can also cause the "skipping".
Betty Baphomet;3102574 wrote:Thank you for the advice. I'll be looking into this once i scrape up some spending money. If i cant trouble shoot the route cause of this, then i'll be taking a hiatus from this kind of work and come back to it when i have higher quality equipment like a landline or something.
Betty Baphomet;3102579 wrote:Alright problem solved, turns out it was a firefox extension that was causing the problem. Ive read that VPNs and simmilar services can cause the internet connection to take a slight dip in quality because of the fact that it's busy encrypting data. So i turned off the extension and everything is back to normal. No more issues!
xxxGothBarbie;3102641 wrote:Dona, where would one be able to obtain their own toll free numbers for indie pso?
DonaDiabla;3102657 wrote:Great question, xxxGothBarbie! I would say that if you want an regular toll free number than Tollfreeforwarding is one of the best. However, you want an vanity number than NumberBarn or GrassHopper works wonders. Twillo works better if you want international callers and set up numbers in places such as Western Europe. I hope this helps! :)
PSOcodemonkey;3102673 wrote:Agree. I worked a dispatch type company many years ago. Later decided that PSO work was something I wanted to make a long term gig in tandem with my tech work. For PSO work, I now work exclusively on platforms and my own indie TFNs. For anyone not looking at PSO work long term, dispatch is definitely the way to go. But for anyone who is thinking of PSO work as a long term thing, going indie (or platform + indie) is something to seriously consider.

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Wed Jan 25, 2023 9:28 am

Nikki_Fox;3102161 wrote:I was curious regarding this also - I dont think the other person was trying to "correct" your language. TTM is just a "platform " to advertise our talker services they are not our employer we are independent contractors
PSOcodemonkey;3102180 wrote:Well, while it might be debatable whether or not we are actually contractors (they issue a 1099-MISC which is usually used for contractors, not a 1099-K used for payment services ), TTM does not view us as contractors or employees. ... ktome-com/
Nikki_Fox;3102190 wrote:I suppose my point was more to the fact that we are not employees to be laid off - and since they are using a contractor 1099 to report our earnings............ Interesting that they went to great lengths to say what we are not but never said what we are?? But I did not dig into the TOS/Contract to find the answer - I guess we are Facilitators ;D

I saw a post in the TTM thread from the OP - the OP was deactivated for not answering calls not laid off per se
PhatGirlDynomite!!!;3102540 wrote:Landlines are the only way to ensure a crisp clear connection that sits above 95% in performance. With VoIP services it's really beyond your control. You can reset your modems. I'm not sure why you're not using a direct call to a cell phone?
PSOcodemonkey;3102551 wrote:Quality voip services (with use of a sip compatible phone or ATA) are often better than traditional copper service (assuming you have decent internet service). The reason is phone companies are letting their traditional copper networks basically rot. ... fall-apart
PSOcodemonkey;3102552 wrote:If you are using VOIP for work, you really want to use a phone that accepts SIP connections or an unlocked ATA device (analog telephone adapter) such as an Obi, just one of many brands. Also make sure that the phone or ATA, is connected to your internet through your router, not through your computer. If your router has the option, make sure that a certain % of your connection is reserved for your phone or ATA. That way, no matter how much stuff your computer is doing, it will make sure your phone is still going strong. Do not use a soft phone or browser based phone for work. ATA devices are cheap, and allow you subscribe to quality VOIP services that use Tier 1 carriers. SIP compatible phones are now cheaper than they were, esp if you buy used on eBay.

Super cheap and free VOIP services often use the "cheapest route" which will give you service that can sometimes have issues. Do your research on quality services. A really good board to check out for VOIP services, devices, etc is There are great services that are low cost, but not free and offer great overall quality.

The "skipping" you are experiencing has more to do with your computer than with your internet (most likely) if you are using a soft phone or browser based phone on your computer. Make sure you do not have any programs doing automatic updating, or virus scans, or backups, checking email, or IM service etc while using a soft phone if you are having the skipping issue. If using a soft phone with skipping issues, make sure your computer is basically doing nothing other than than the soft phone. If you are using a VPN, your soft phone connection is going through that as well most likely, which can also cause the "skipping".
Betty Baphomet;3102574 wrote:Thank you for the advice. I'll be looking into this once i scrape up some spending money. If i cant trouble shoot the route cause of this, then i'll be taking a hiatus from this kind of work and come back to it when i have higher quality equipment like a landline or something.
Betty Baphomet;3102579 wrote:Alright problem solved, turns out it was a firefox extension that was causing the problem. Ive read that VPNs and simmilar services can cause the internet connection to take a slight dip in quality because of the fact that it's busy encrypting data. So i turned off the extension and everything is back to normal. No more issues!
xxxGothBarbie;3102641 wrote:Dona, where would one be able to obtain their own toll free numbers for indie pso?
Houston_Sugar;3102714 wrote:I’m new to being a PSO and I am glad I found this area of work and generally it’s perfect for my current situation. However, I just find it to be so draining. I quit dancing... i found it to be draining as well and didn’t like it... the difference is I didn’t always have to be “on” for an extended period of time. I’d go to the club, get into character, work the night and be off until I had to work again. I’m usually logged onto the phone for extended periods of time until I get a call.. so I feel like I always have to be on, and at times it’s mentally draining. I also haven’t mastered how to multitask while being on the phone. I’ve read about girls being able to clean and cook dinner while having phone sex and I can’t even imagine that at this point.

Anyone have tips or pointers on how to not feel so drained by this? Maybe longer breaks? Designated work days? What works for you?
PSOcodemonkey;3102834 wrote:There is no "one way", it depends so much on you and your family situation, your personality etc.

Some choices I made that have helped me personally:

1. I price most of my characters on platforms and my own indie lines high enough that I do not get constant non stop calls. Gives me plenty of down time in between calls to get other things done. Cooking, house cleaning, tech work, etc all gets done in between calls. I don't worry if I don't get calls for hours, because I am getting things done in the meantime, and because my higher rates make up for less calls. I also have enough customers that talk for a long time, thus making the total number of calls less important. This only works because I am available on phones many hours a week. Not a good way to do things if one is only available part of a day for calls.

2. Even though I make sure I am available for calls many hours a week, I do make sure I take some big blocks of time off as well. One day a week, I always make sure I take about 12 hours straight off and use that time to go out with friends, date, have fun, explore my city.

3. I make sure I take some blocks of time off each day. I take 3-4 hours blocks off each week day to allow myself time to do grocery shopping, doctor's appointments, gym, help care for my aging parents with health issues, general required running around dictated by life.

4. I take 30 minute blocks off to walk the dog. Amazing what a dog walk does to refresh my mind.

5. I cook everything at home. I only eat out when with friends/date. Cooking relaxes me, and I can do it most of the time even when available for phone. I do not do any active cooking while actually on the phone, other than taking something off a burner, etc. I always look forward to making my next meal, and having fun with it. I always have lots of tasty baked goods around as well as good-for-me foods. Not having to go out to get a meal, allows me more time to be available for PSO work. Plus saves tons of money. Mainly though just that fact that cooking relaxes makes it worth it.

6. On platforms and my own lines, I block any customer who "drains" me so much that I don't want to log back in. I am not talking about long calls. I mean customers that get me to the point where I don't want to log in because they might call. They are not worth it, cause me stress, and even if they make me money, they are loosing me money as well, because I might not log in as much. I just go ahead and block them, then don't think about them again.

7. I don't work dispatch. While dispatch definitely has good points, and I did work dispatch many years ago, the fact that one cannot block customers made me decide long term it was not for me. Helps me stay positive about PSO work, as I can block. I am not knocking dispatch companies in general. There are good ones and bad ones. I just needed the ability to block in order to mentally stay in PSO work. It would be different if I was doing PSO work as a temporary gig, or only available part time hours. But I am in it for the long term, and can't afford to get mentally drained by it. Especially since I am available for PSO many hours a week.

8. I don't do anything else while on the phone. While I do tons of things while available for calls, when I am calls, I give the customer my 100% focus. They expect that, and allows me to have a super high retention rate of customers. The higher the retention rate, the more easy it is for me to block trouble customers without worrying about losing too much money.

9. I do not utilize texting or chat features of platforms unless I am literally in front of my desktop. Not worth it for me personally as it gives me the feeling that I am "always on", even when not on a call. My regulars all know I don't even check email unless in front of my desktop. If there is something they really really want to tell me, they can do a call. Or they can wait for me to be in front of my desktop. Even though I also work in tech, I kind of feel the smart phone has created a feeling in many that they can never relax. I never use my smart phone for PSO work, or even personal. Only for tech work where it is kind of required, especially if developing for it. Amazing the piece of mind that comes from not being tied to constant bombardment of text/chat/im messages. I don't do any GFE characters though. If one does GFE type characters, guys kind of do expect you to be available by text, email more often.

10. Passive income. I make sure that at least some of my characters have lots of audio available for purchase. I do affiliate marking for various adult companies (including PSO). Nothing relaxes me more than when for some reason I have to cut my hours some week due to issues with helping to care for my parents, and see money earned from those passive income efforts. Such as one day when I was literally on the phone for 6 hours straight dealing with their insurance company.

Again, what works for me might not work for others. Each person is an individual, as is their family situation. What is important is that anyone thinking of PSO work as a long term gig, really sit down make a list like the one above and put down things that they think will help them. What is important to you? What specifically drains you? That type of thing. Some will discover that PSO work is not really for them, at a least not at this point in their lives. That was me for awhile. I took a long long break from PSO work at one point, until I decided what things would make it work for me and my life. Others will find that PSO work will work long term for them if they make sure they take measures like the ones I listed (but for their situation).

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Wed Jan 25, 2023 9:36 am

DonaDiabla;3103588 wrote:Yes, you can create an so called "friendship" line where guys call you and talk about normal stuff. Usually, you charge just as much as you would charge for an phone sex line. Also, phone sex is just not about dirty talk....just to let you know :) Many guys call for different things and a lot of those things are not sexual. It depends on your clientele and so forth.
Kody_;3103545 wrote:Does anyone have any experience with having a phone line purely for chatting/conversation and nothing sexual? I'm not into the whole phone sex thing but wanted to give it a go putting up a listing for lonely guys who would actually enjoy normal conversation. I feel like there's not harm in trying but I'm nervous that I'm just not going to get any calls at all or that the calls I do get are going to rate me badly because I'm not doing actual phone sex. Flirtation is fine, I just suckkkkk at dirty talk.
Staci;3110556 has a category for 'Just Friends (Advice)', but I don't know how much traffic it attracts.

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Wed Jan 25, 2023 9:40 am

MysteryGirl44;3115126 wrote:What is the top (highest-earning) phone sex operator service?
Spemily;3115147 wrote:Are you asking which site pays the highest percentage? Or which site phone sex operators earn the most money on?

Neither question is simple to answer. Niteflirt pays 70%, but they also take a 20 cent per minute connection fee, so the actual percentage you earn goes up the higher you charge. TalktoMe pays me out 35% (which is just garbage) but other operators are getting higher percentages based on when they signed up or on requests they've made to increase their rate. IWantPhone pays 60%.

To complicate matters, these numbers only apply to phone calls. Niteflirt doesn't charge a connection fee on tributes or content sales or chat. IWantPhone has higher payout for tributes and custom content. Many operators earn more money from other services, rather than just from phone calls.

If you were asking which site is the top earner for operators, this varies. There's no one answer. Personally, I make most of my money on Niteflirt, but that isn't the case for everyone.
Spemily;3115336 wrote:Niteflirt has always been the most profitable site for me and my favorite to work on.

Here are some others I've worked on:

TalktoMe: I find the payout terrible and the amount of "taboo" calls unpleasant. If you have a good track record elsewhere, you might succeed in having them increase your payout percentage. If you are comfortable with incest, rape, golden showers and scat, then this is the site I'd recommend. None of those topics are allowed on Niteflirt, so it can increase your ability to cater to a wide variety of guys to be on both sites.

Phrendly: Phrendly has an app, which is awesome. It also has a built in cam platform. It's mainly about text chat, but calls are also possible. However, it's positioned and advertised as more of a dating service than an adult for-pay site. I used to make a small but reliable amount of money here, but traffic has dropped to near zero for me.

IWantPhone/IWantClips: I've never received a call here, but I haven't put any effort into updating my profile. I think it has potential and offers a lot of features that are really useful, especially for someone who also makes clips.

Chatfunn: Seems to have very little traffic and uses dubious advertising methods. Guys start conversations with you thinking that you were the one who messaged them first. They often start with messages like "Yes, please!" or "Pussy", obviously responding to a question that we didn't ask. Pay rate is good, though texting is much more common than calling.

Other services you can check out: Arousr, SkyPrivate.

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Wed Jan 25, 2023 9:51 am

Spemily;3115147 wrote:Are you asking which site pays the highest percentage? Or which site phone sex operators earn the most money on?

Neither question is simple to answer. Niteflirt pays 70%, but they also take a 20 cent per minute connection fee, so the actual percentage you earn goes up the higher you charge. TalktoMe pays me out 35% (which is just garbage) but other operators are getting higher percentages based on when they signed up or on requests they've made to increase their rate. IWantPhone pays 60%.

To complicate matters, these numbers only apply to phone calls. Niteflirt doesn't charge a connection fee on tributes or content sales or chat. IWantPhone has higher payout for tributes and custom content. Many operators earn more money from other services, rather than just from phone calls.

If you were asking which site is the top earner for operators, this varies. There's no one answer. Personally, I make most of my money on Niteflirt, but that isn't the case for everyone.
BFX;3115186 wrote:Hi. Could you please recommend me some good books/courses/sites/mentors for phone sex techniques? Topics like Dealing with different types of clients, opening lines, needs uncovering, fetishes, etc. Not marketing. Most of the ones I bought from Amazon are only for marketing a PSO job.
Thank you very much!!!
Hugs and kisses and good luck on making a lot of $$$$$$ today!
Spemily;3115220 wrote:For learning about fetishes, I recommend going to Literotica and reading stories that are based around the fetish you are trying to understand.

Amberly Rothfield is mostly geared towards teaching marketing, but she does have some videos on her site are about the calls themselves. It's not super in depth though and I'm not sure I'd recommend joining her site just for those videos.
BFX;3115267 wrote:Also I can help with Fetlife forum for learning fetish. But see, is almost impossible to find a good recommendation for phone sex course. I saw Amberly's works, great for marketing but the inner job teaching is not there. Maybe someone with a nice experience will come up with some help? Thanks.
DonaDiabla;3115326 wrote:Actually, there was an book by the dispatch company "Wet Dita" back in the day that talked about everything from how to make an phone sex character to every fetish encountered in phone sex. Or you could read one of those old books like "The Fantasy Factory: An Insider's View of the Phone Sex Industry Book by Amy Flowers" as that was closest to phone sex course that I had back in the day. :)
Staci;3115349 wrote:So funny you mentioned that because when I read her post, I went looking to see if DITA still offered her book. I had purchased the book when first starting out as an operator 13 years ago, and found it to be helpful.

I found that her wetdita website had closed late last year (according to wayback machine), and the website is now an escort site.

Edited to add:
TalkToMe has a site with some call tips that may be helpful to those just starting out:

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Wed Jan 25, 2023 9:54 am

Spemily;3115147 wrote:Are you asking which site pays the highest percentage? Or which site phone sex operators earn the most money on?

Neither question is simple to answer. Niteflirt pays 70%, but they also take a 20 cent per minute connection fee, so the actual percentage you earn goes up the higher you charge. TalktoMe pays me out 35% (which is just garbage) but other operators are getting higher percentages based on when they signed up or on requests they've made to increase their rate. IWantPhone pays 60%.

To complicate matters, these numbers only apply to phone calls. Niteflirt doesn't charge a connection fee on tributes or content sales or chat. IWantPhone has higher payout for tributes and custom content. Many operators earn more money from other services, rather than just from phone calls.

If you were asking which site is the top earner for operators, this varies. There's no one answer. Personally, I make most of my money on Niteflirt, but that isn't the case for everyone.
Spemily;3115336 wrote:Niteflirt has always been the most profitable site for me and my favorite to work on.

Here are some others I've worked on:

TalktoMe: I find the payout terrible and the amount of "taboo" calls unpleasant. If you have a good track record elsewhere, you might succeed in having them increase your payout percentage. If you are comfortable with incest, rape, golden showers and scat, then this is the site I'd recommend. None of those topics are allowed on Niteflirt, so it can increase your ability to cater to a wide variety of guys to be on both sites.

Phrendly: Phrendly has an app, which is awesome. It also has a built in cam platform. It's mainly about text chat, but calls are also possible. However, it's positioned and advertised as more of a dating service than an adult for-pay site. I used to make a small but reliable amount of money here, but traffic has dropped to near zero for me.

IWantPhone/IWantClips: I've never received a call here, but I haven't put any effort into updating my profile. I think it has potential and offers a lot of features that are really useful, especially for someone who also makes clips.

Chatfunn: Seems to have very little traffic and uses dubious advertising methods. Guys start conversations with you thinking that you were the one who messaged them first. They often start with messages like "Yes, please!" or "Pussy", obviously responding to a question that we didn't ask. Pay rate is good, though texting is much more common than calling.

Other services you can check out: Arousr, SkyPrivate.
Sweet_Sadie;3115983 wrote:Agreed. These dudes don't want small talk, even the ones who are repeats. I try to finesse by stretching out the fantasy. I'm just not a long talker, but I know my dudes are happy, so that's what counts.
DonaDiabla;3117474 wrote:Actually, I believe that whatever platform you used has a lot to do with that. Because I found a lot of long talkers on Niteflirt...I believe that TTM has more guys that are just more small talkers. Also, I believe most things pso-related are more than 10 to 25 years old. I just know of the older pso books and stuff because I started in 2003. The pso industry overall just doesn't get written about like how it used to. But you can do everything with trial and error. :)
Victoria_Gray;3117493 wrote:I think it's the individual too. I get some guys who want to talk for an hour then when they hang up someone who talks for less than ten minutes calls. I prefer the longer conversations because you get to know those guys (and they're usually regulars), short is boring, but those guys never become regulars so whateves.

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Wed Jan 25, 2023 9:59 am

ep2002;3124557 wrote:I found the whole bidding thing very very complicated, & I didn't want to lose money. :(
Staci;3124564 wrote:When you are first starting out, unless you plan on bringing in your own traffic - you will need to bid for placement in order to even have your listing(s) seen by potential callers.
Victoria_Gray;3124967 wrote:People often talk about how blogging is a great way to market yourself. I would like to blog, however, I am not too sure what I am doing.

Are any of you happy to share your own or others blogs which you know are driving traffic?
Growlerpussy;3125193 wrote:Not really if you do it right. I started one of my profiles on a very very low rate and the first week I was busy as hell. Guys always check the cheapest rates.
After I made $100 , I started bidding and put my rate higher.
I wanted to avoid to spend my money in the beginning by using my creditcard.
It worked for me, might works for you too?
Sweet_Sadie;3125200 wrote:Can I hug you through the screen?
JenniferNorth;3129046 wrote:Anyone know of any combo companies that are hiring? Is RPI hiring/worth it? Or even a direct dial place ? I'm not opposed to Niteflirt, but I thought it might be easier to work for a company, since it's been a minute....
xxxGothBarbie;3129314 wrote:What's RPI? :)
JenniferNorth;3129352 wrote:GothBarbie, it's a PSO company (combo-someone else processes the payment, but you can still advertise your girl and troll etc) I know they always have an ad up on SexyJobs.

I'm thinking about doing Niteflirt and the other platforms, just concerned about getting (or rather, NOT getting) callers. I guess bidding and blogging it is.
Sweet_Sadie;3129398 wrote:I think the glory days of being able to work the clock and earn bank via dispatch companies are over. Unless a company specifically says that you can't, then I think the tide is going to favor those who market themselves. The traffic just isn't there for dispatch companies like it used to be. And I'm thinking, many of the old companies aren't even around!

Then again, if a girl is gonna market, then why not do Niteflirt or go indy?
JenniferNorth;3129473 wrote:Sweet Sadie, I'm thinking of working the platforms only.

I'm just not sure if it will hurt me if I don't stay signed in to NF 24/7. Debating the best schedule to have right now.
I'mEveToo;3130165 wrote:I have good placement with one of my profiles and fairly good placement with two others and I don't stay signed in 24/7. The profile with the best placement is on at least a few hours nearly every day but still overall only about 40-50 hours a week.

Blogging and social media are important for getting attention to your character but I think having a great listing with good text and eye catching photos is what gets them to call you. It's worth spending time writing some really provocative text, or paying someone to write it for you, and putting up at least 3 or 4 sexy photos on your listing. Niteflirt callers are notoriously always looking for new Flirts. Give them something that makes their dick twitch and they'll call.
kortneykay;3138098 wrote:you'll do fine as long as you have clients interested in your girls. I literally never ever ever ever advertise. I don't use twitter I don't use insta.... nothing outside of the platform...I log on when I feel like it and the guys call. Been this way for me since 2009. No blogging, nada.
Midwest-Mistress;3146337 wrote:Whenever I use content characters on PSO sites it's kinda hard to have a girl in my natural age range outside of RP sessions (early 20s) because I have such a mature sounding voice... I get asked infrequently about it - but it's probably present & registers in their mind later - how old I am, I've had a few close encounters where the dude could tell I was a fraud not racially motivated, but assumed I was older. I've got some photos of a milf/cougar now but... What do they talk about? I want to try to target young inexperienced guys if possible, but I'm not sure what I'd say.... I want to lean more towards vanilla, but open to domme suggestions as well. Thank you for the future input.
kortneykay;3146376 wrote:Throw up a few milfs, the guys calling will tell you what they want when you ask over a call. You might get some into incest, milf, aunt, granny, or mature Men into mature ladies. You never know until you can weigh which rp they like best and figure out your niche.
Midwest-Mistress;3146381 wrote:Lol you know what... After having 3 content models serve their purpose in my rotation so far you're absolutely right... Usually the guys will tell me what they want for a chick. Hell I have a young Latina girl who did age play in the beginning but, because of her huge tiddies she ended up attracting most dudes that ended up wanting her to play mommy lol. :laughing:
SuperPookie;3154116 wrote:I'm really getting into phone lately & am looking for platform based phone sites that have at least some built in traffic.
So far I'm on the following:
iWantPhone(dead as can be & have gotten maybe 2 calls all together)
a few texting sites that offer phone as well but I get like 0 traffic from them-SextPanther & ChatFunn
Is there any that I'm missing?
I would prefer if possible to create my own characters but I could run stock ones from a company if needed.
izshadow;3154244 wrote:How is sincats? I've been tempted to sign up but like you, prefer a site that has some decent traffic so I dont waste my time. I tried IWantPhone to and the same........ dead dead dead.

You can look in to uslove. They bring traffic for you. Some girls do really good there and some only make a couple hundred a month. They can provide content for a small fee or use your own.
Midwest-Mistress;3154268 wrote:The past two years I've been thinking of doing USlove, are they taboo friendly? I'll go back on and check on them now. I'll be trying Sincats in January, but TTM & NF are top priority for me right now.
izshadow;3154293 wrote:Yup, anything goes on there.
SuperPookie;3154691 wrote:I'd be happy with a additional $200 a month actually depending of course on what I had to do to earn it. A extra $200 is nothing to sneeze at.
SinCats is very slow but they have a minimum payout of $10-$25 (I think depending on how you're paid. I get direct deposit & it's $10) and a crapload of payout options so I'd say it's worth trying If & only If you have a very thick skin as it's way more hardcore than TalkToMe or NiteFlirt. You can also sell cam in your webstore but as there is no separate section for cam like NF so you will have to write it on your profile pic as you'll just be tossed in with a bunch of obvious stock characters.
Stargirl2;3155660 wrote:do you have the link to sign up for sin cats please.?
izshadow;3156078 wrote:Its just

I'm debating on signing up but not to sure after reading through the thread dedicated to sincats on here. Seems you still have to put in a lot of effort with twitter (which I dont do), blogs, stories, shout outs, etc.... and its very very very taboo. Which I'm fine with but a lot of people are not.
SuperPookie;3156254 wrote:There isn't a referral link for models I don't think but there is one for customers. I don't advertise SinCats though as tbh it's not necessarily the site I want to be associated with so I haven't had any sign ups.
Yes it is VERY taboo, snuff, extreme ageplay, bestiality etc . My character as myself gets few calls as I simply can't do them in my own persona & the show requests-omg. I have gotten some that were doable though & I can handle most of the extreme calls to a character as it's easier to be in a different mindset then.

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Wed Jan 25, 2023 10:04 am

arielbriel;3172686 wrote:Which sites have been the most profitable for you guys?
Currently I am on TTM, NF, CF, PH, and IWP. I've made $0 on IWP...I'm wondering if I am doing something wrong? THanks....
Spemily;3172748 wrote:I make the most money on NF by an enormous margin. TTM has never been good for me, but I know some people do very well there. Phrendly was a decent side site for the first year I was on it, now it's down to nearly zero. ChatFunn is very inconsistent, but amounts to a small drip of money over the years. I've never made a penny on IWP, but I have to admit that after about a month without calls, I stopped bothering to log in long ago, so people who stuck with it and tried to optimize probably have way better results.
arielbriel;3172786 wrote:Yes, I have 4 cam lines on IWP but 0 sales. NF I've made the most, Phrendly second, then TTM and I've been on Phrendly the least amount of time out of the three but I do hear it's good in the beginning so I am trying to make the most of the "new girl money".CF barely works for me. I've made $100 on there, just submitted my w9, gonna try to get paid and gtfo there. It's a waste of time as half the time I can't even respond to their messages. It's very glitchy or the guys have no coins anyhow.
WendiStarr;3179234 wrote:Anyone try paidbytheminute? I recently signed up there. So far all I've got were several guys messaging me for free, asking for my personal phone number or for Whatsapp or Snapchat and 1 call that I missed at 3am because I'm a mom, not a night owl at all, and forgot to turn off my phone line for the night.
neliana;3182392 wrote:Im on paidbytheminute and when I got a 15 min call they subtracted 27 cents..before that they charged me 2 dollars to be "on top" even though I never signed up for that. My first call was about 5 mins and they gave me 1.98, which makes no sense considering what my rate is.

I emailed them, but most likely I'll just end up closing my account even if they do correct this and pay me. Total BS.
Staci;3182397 wrote:Do you think you let the call go over the 15 mins and they charged you? It is really strange to me that the call doesn't automatically disconnect once the paid time has been reached, but according to their Advisor Protocol, you are responsible and not only will you not be paid for the minutes it runs over, but they will deduct from your pay the time that you allow the call to go over. (I don't know, but assume they charge you for the phone connection charges and not your call rate).

BTW, what does "Penetration with the four joined members" refer to under Forbidden Content?
Spemily;3182399 wrote:Probably a bad translation of the standard thing that credit card processors don't allow: Penetration with all four limbs bound.
neliana;3182404 wrote:WOW thank you. That is ridiculous! I've never heard of a company doing that. I get that im partially responsible ofc, since I didn't carefully read the terms..but I think they should have made this much more clear and put it at the forefront of the dashboard.

Live and learn!
Sexyphonetalker;3213435 wrote:Do you still have links to content sites? I have been out of phone sex for about seven years and I lost all the content I had. I tried some searches but haven’t had much luck.
Sexyphonetalker;3213912 wrote:No, I am looking for content to buy. I had a few listings on NF but I have lost the content I previously purchased for my images. I found a list at one point where 99% of the content providers had closed but I did find a few that still sold and didn’t look like they were straight out of the 80’s.
izshadow;3236136 wrote:Same issue. I want to update some of my girls and cant.
Victoria_Gray;3236427 wrote:There is a niteflirt thread on SW.

Also, I do charge for these mails. I charge more for them than chat and no longer offer chat myself - the having to log on to constantly check chat made me stop offering chat.
izshadow;3244380 wrote:I hate chat, its really not a money maker for me, we cant change our rates and its time wasting. This is both in regards to NF and TTM
caramelcraze;3244424 wrote:I've found that chat is good for a few hundred per month. I only check it when I'm on normally/have time to & make them tribute extra if they want anything that isn't a question regarding my lines or platonic.

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Wed Jan 25, 2023 10:22 am

queenelayliah;3293966 wrote:Hey you guys this is my first post in two years. Because of the pandemic I had to stop phone sex and get a “real job” that would provide me with a consistent income so that I didn’t become homeless. However I’m now sick of working for other people and I wanna get back to working for myself.

Since 2018, I had a goal of making a phone sex blog that I could use to advertise my character and drive traffic to myself. And after 4 long years I DID IT! I’m so proud of myself and I think its pretty fucking cute to say I have no damn design skills and know nothing about technology. However here the thing I have hit a wall and I don’t know what to do now.

The same barriers that stopped me from making a blog back in 2018 is now stopping me again. I’m so confused on multiple things big & little. It’s so overwhelming i just want to quit.

1) the legal side of things:
- aka 2257 law: where to keep the records ., how to keep my address private., domain who is., ip address tracking., how to make a privacy policy and terms of conditions.
2) the webmaster side of things such as: SEO., keywords, long tail and short tail., metadata and for the love of god what the fuck is a sitemap and how do I get one?!!
3) then I’m stuck on advertising: how do i drive traffic? How do I make posts that will bring traffic??

Okay then social media and then copyright and then watermarks and then how do i add pictures to my blog posts and give credit and if they naked pictures how do i stay legal? Then how do you add all of this information to the damn website it self.

Like I don't know how to be a social media manager., content creator., webmaster and adult marketer. I don't know what I’m doing!! Im only good at moaning on the phone for a few dollars. I need help but I don’t even know where to start.

ITS TOO MUCH! I cant even write all of this information down. This was a mistake a fucking mistake. I just want a cute little blog with a journal where I write about how wet my pussy is and to just call me if they also horny. Thats all i want. I dont want this extra stuff.

But guess what my blog is not appearing in bing or google and I dont know how to make it appear.
Gingerteacup;3293982 wrote:I have no idea about the legal side, but

3) then I’m stuck on advertising: how do i drive traffic? How do I make posts that will bring traffic??

I would create a Twitter page and link your blog in the 'website' section on your Twitter profile, then regularly put up pictures etc on your Twitter page...Your reach will be wider than hoping people will come across your blog via a general google search. Much less work, much less stressful, plus you still get to blog as Twitter links to it, and people can click on that link.

Also, the UK site Adult Work has a section to write blogs, post pictures etc, as well as upload erotica such as voice recordings. You can also do phone chat on there (and webcam). Not sure if you are US based however, as they don't accept models form the US sadly.

On Nite Flirt you can also write blogs I think, as part of a Goody Bag?
These sites already drive traffic to you and offer phone chat. x
innocentindian;3294071 wrote:Definitely THIS! Get on any social media you think will work with your style (twitter, tiktok, instagram, reddit, forums / boards for user-generated audio or erotic scripts) and post relevant content on there with a direct link to your blog / site pinned on your profile. It'll be easier to drive traffic to your site that way to start, instead of worrying about SEO and getting indexed by google.

Once you have visitors landing on your page from your social media, google will pick up your site eventually and start displaying it on search results. Then you can spend time researching SEO on youtube or hiring someone to help set up the technical site stuff so you can focus on the money making side (creating content, blogging, and advertising)

EDIT - I checked out your website and it looks good! If you're worried about adult nudity compliance, I suggest just posting softcore / lingerie / implied nude photos and keeping all explicit nude stuff behind a paywall for 18+. Also, I didn't see a link for a blog yet, I'm guessing you're still working on it before you post it on your site menu?

Also since your site is all about phone sex, I recommend adding some audio to your site + some short erotic text stories for visitors to sample your wares. Visual photos are great, but audiophiles definitely wanna hear the goodies as well as see them.

A quick note under your Availability / schedule page - it says 'no taboo phone sex' which at first made me confused and I thought you were stating that taboo is not allowed during phone sessions. Maybe reword something like 'anything goes phone sex' or 'as kinky as you want phone call ' or 'no limits phone sex' or something.
Houston_Sugar;3294178 wrote:*I'm sorry if any of this has been asked a trillion times. I've been searching for answers to my very specific questions and haven't been able to find anything.*

Life has been lifing, and I now have thousands of dollars in medical bills to pay, and it will be ongoing for the foreseeable future. What should I be doing to make $3000-4000+ per month (besides live camming or in-person SW)?

I'm on TTM & NF, and it's decent, but not enough to make a living. (I think I'd do better if I knew who to do findom, or any domination really).
SinCats & the likes are too extreme for me.
I can't wrap my head around PTVs, no one has ever bought a single one from me.
Is it too late to make money on OF?
Can I even make this much as a PSO?
Will audio clips help me get to my monthly goal? I will pay anyone who is willing to show me the way. I don't want to ever show my face. I'm okay showing my fully clothed body and feet. Is there a platform I should be on, that I'm not on?

Thank you in advance for taking the time to read and respond. :heartbeat
I feel like I'm drowning.
seashell;3294184 wrote:You absolutely can make that much with PSO. I'd suggest reading Amberly Rothfield's book about making money on Niteflirt. It will explain how to use PTV's and market yourself in great detail.

You're likely going to have to shift your strategies and really try some new things. Learning takes time, but it's well worth it financially.

I'm not doing PSO anymore, but I used to make about $4-5K/month from phone & content sales on Niteflirt. It used to be my only option due to crappy wifi connections lol.

Also with OnlyFans, there are great resources with lots of information here on the main OF thread, as well as on Reddit & YouTube.
kortneykay;3294224 wrote:The key is to working as many sites as possible. Sign up to 5 pso sites, log in all day to each and you'll have combined income.
I'mEveToo;3296326 wrote:Do you have only 1 character on NF and TTM? You can increase your income by having 3. Try to make each character different from the others so you're attracting a different demographic of callers. If you're using yourself for photo content, you can make different characters by disguising yourself with wigs and makeup or even just only using photos of just body parts with no face or only lips

Make listings for each character in every category you character reasonably fits in. One listing in one category won't get you seen often enough.
I'mEveToo;3296361 wrote:You can use purchased photo content on Niteflirt. It's hard to find photo sets that aren't already being used on NF and TTM and if it's already in use by other Flirts, callers will know it's not you. But a lot of callers already know many Flirts use purchased content and they don't care. What matters to them is if you're good on the phone.

I rarely have anyone ask me to cam. If someone does, I just tell them it's not something I want to do because I don't want to worry about being recorded and having video of me posted on other sites around the internet.
I'mEveToo;3296361 wrote:You can use purchased photo content on Niteflirt. It's hard to find photo sets that aren't already being used on NF and TTM and if it's already in use by other Flirts, callers will know it's not you. But a lot of callers already know many Flirts use purchased content and they don't care. What matters to them is if you're good on the phone.

I rarely have anyone ask me to cam. If someone does, I just tell them it's not something I want to do because I don't want to worry about being recorded and having video of me posted on other sites around the internet.
I'mEveToo;3296505 wrote:Guys know that you offer cam if you have a listing in one of the Phone With Cam sections. Some will still ask for it even if you don't but most of them know if you don't have a listing in that category, you're unlikely to do cam just for them.
Kristen_Krystal;3296654 wrote:I use a smart phone for taking my pso calls & about a month ago I started getting an issue with not being able to hear the audio files that ask me to press 1 or 2.

Its happening intermittently on every site I'm on now. It started on Dommeline, then TTM & now its happening on Adult work & its driving me crazy.

I've run every diagnostic test available on my phone, re-started/updated it & cleared the phone cache

I thought it might be an app causing the issue so today I put my phone in SafeMode & it's still happening.

I've also noticed that if I get a call that can't get through because I can't accept it & he tries again then it will get through the second time but the sound for me is terrible & for the customer, it's usually fine they say.

I am thinking that the problem is either with my phone hardware or network because it's happening on three different platforms but I wanted to check if anyone else is having or ever had this issue before & how did you fix it, please?
space_cowgirl;3296928 wrote:Is anyone here working on Phone Sex Royalty? Thinking of signing up...
Growlerpussy;3296931 wrote:Didn't see any info about how and what the payout is. Only a few girls on the site and none of em online.
Do they have traffic at all or do we have to generate the traffic?
I don't like sites where the costumers can buy blocks. If they have a weird fetish or wanna play something i'm not ok with, i just can't hang up because they paid for 10 or more minutes.
Percy;3297224 wrote:I started PSO in March but I am an ex PSO from years ago and cam model.

I chose the perfect model and I have a young voice.

I realized there was a lot of men who had women who would not talk to them because of extreme taboos. Some were into "young" and #2 bathroom fetishes, some even into castration. So I just started catering to the extreme fetishes and am a model who will talk about anything. About 50% of my calls are taboo. The rest are a mix of sissy, cuck, training of some kind, cool old guy, lonely old man.

I make a living doing this now, I spend about 12 hours a day logged in, from the comfort of my home, using a photo of someone who isn't me, and some checks are more than others. Some guys are sex addicts and go crazy and spend on me then get guilty and never come back. I make new regulars every day. I have been within the top 3 to 4 models on my site since day 1. and I am starting to be #1 more often because I am working more hours, to grab more regulars.

So, for a two week period the lowest payout I had was about 1300 dollars. And that's with taking 2 days off per week, or some days not being able to do my full time. My highest payout was almost 3000 for a two week period. My average is 1500 every two weeks and I take 35% and send it to the tax man. I have been able to pay off bills, I went on vacation, but I am married and the money I make goes toward other things. I have 3 thousand in savings and that is after a month long trip to Florida last month.

Staying off the phone for a month, taking a call here and there, when I came home, I made about $600 in 8 hours from my regs because they tipped me and had missed me. I don't want other sites, I tried them, not my thing. I like the one I am on, it works for me but I see a lot of models it doesn't work for. And callers are fickle, maybe they will like you, maybe not. Some don't even know what they want. No blogging, no webcam, no twitter, I just log on and talk. And i log in the same hours every day I log in, EXCEPT that I will log in other times too if I want to work that extra group that I don't normally talk to.

I answer the phone with "hello" like my Mom is calling. And I

Tonight is a doozie, stupid men trying to get me to call them lol. NO! I think they think their 2 calls with an added $10 tip will do it.
justanothercamgirl;3297225 wrote:You are logged into for 12 hours a day?

You are freaking amazing and inspirational! I wish I had half of your work ethic.
Percy;3297226 wrote:Yes 12 hours. I have a Plantronics ear bud that rests in my left ear. Bluetooth, my phone in my pocket, i clean and watch tv and take calls. Some of that time I am in front of my computer it feels like a customer service job. I make more than Amazon and the clientele is better.

There seems to be a slump right now. I think it is a summer slump, guys are out doing recreational activities.
izshadow;3297228 wrote:Wow! I wish I was making that. I've been doing both cams and phones for about 20 years now. The cam is when I am physically am but the phones, I'm logged in 24/7. Literally. Except when I am super tired and know I'm sleep through the phone or I have to leave to run errands or have an appointment. I pay my bills but never get that extra to pay off debt or vacation. I'm sure I could be better. Maybe I'm just lazy and not imitative and burnt out haha.
Percy;3297235 wrote:I thin it is just the person. I have always been great at public speaking, I am pretty well versed in a lot of subjects due to my education (life experience is also a plus) so I can chit chat about anything. I also was a dominatrix on cam, so those fetishes that are hard to get down, I got them down years ago. Patience is key, but it is kind of an art form. Any person can perfect it. I suggest a lower end company first, to understand WHAT men want (all of my calls have been men) and understand gay men (A lot of gay men call me) and then learn about toys and listen. No starting off moaning oh baby oh baby, they don't like it. Talk to them like a friend, always smile as it shines through with your voice, say hello, thanks for calling, what are you up to? Listen to clues. If you don't know how to talk about something google memes about it LOL. I had to do that with sissies for ever. I literally just went down the meme list on google and read them out loud and put my twist on it.

I won't say you need to do taboo calls. But, if you work a line that allows taboo, you WILL make money if you take them. More money. A lot of men say "women won't talk to me about this". I always say, hey, to be here I must be an adult, to talk here you must be an adult, it's just role play. We are two adults, we can talk about anything, there is no thought police. I find most are men who were hurt and they use it as a form of therapy to flip the script in their head, to "hurt" someone the way they were. Read on it, it's a real thing people do. They will open up if you ask WHY DO YOU LIKE THIS SCENERIO??? Honestly, these men lie to me, it's a fantasy world. Maybe they are a CEO, and maybe they are in their Mom's basement. I have had necro, honestly you can really get a loyal following for castration, people will do drugs and talk, a lot like their step daughter, have a sister brother fantasy...who knows why. So this whole faction of men have limited options.

Women should only do what they feel comfy with. But the bread and butter is voice, it must be nice, doesn't matter if it's mature, don't pick a 20 year old model and say you are 25. Pick an older but in shape model and say you are 35 and a Mom. Men are into the experience you give. Your greeting needs to be short, sweet, and show off your voice. Talk a little about your interests, but keep it PG13. Always thank them, say you had a great time, and I always say, hey add me to your favorites so we can chat again it was fun! Learn to fake an orgasm. Give yourself one and how do you sound? Replicate it. I've never once had an orgasm or gotten turned on, they think I am getting off. The idea is to get THEM off, on their terms, or just chat. I only orgasm if it's more of a vanilla, hot and heavy sex talk -y call. Then i compliment them like crazy and say hey, thanks for the orgasm, hahaha. Very playful.

So yeah that is all I have as far as pointers but I totally say start with a not so high up company because at first you'll not make it with an established company as the ones with years experience will take the customers and you'll feel bad. Start with a per min hold time company, then apply elsewhere. You still may not float elsewhere. it's really a strange industry because it's all voice on lines that don't offer cam. And never say that model is you, just admit it. Say, I have kids, I'm a teacher, they understand. Say what you look like, how you compare to her. They totally get it.
Percy;3297420 wrote:Before I did ANYTHING adult on my own I would consult an attorney to get the legality straight. A couple hundred bucks can save you thousands and possibly jail. I mean you have so many thinga to think about like, what you post, who owns what, is it your pics or a models? Age of model? Can you make nude photos available to the public or do you need diclaimers so you can avoid showing it ti underage viewers. I know PH anyone strolls on but it does say you need to be 18 to view. I mean, all those little things that do NOTHING to really keep underage people off adult sites still do serve a legal purpose to protect those offering content.

See a pro, for your own protection. I am starting my own site for my model and I am seeking an attorney. I deff would NOT put up any nude pics. Good luck!
Percy;3297429 wrote:I wanted to post this because I cannot stand swindlers and time wasters.
I had a caller who wanted 1.5 hrs first time with me. I accepted. He wanted extreme fetish which I did, playing 2 characters and he was annoyingly telling me how other models don't talk to him. Anyway he did not spend all his paid for time with me and left me no tip. He actually requested his unpaid time $5 back which would usually be a tip.

So, I waited for him to call back. He booked another 1.5 hours and I did not know who it was. It was him. I cut him off and said I have to refund him as his calls require tips and he is taking up time from my regular tippers. He said "Oh you cannot handle the content". I said, no I can handle the call, but you are taking uo my time when regulars want to call me and they TIP me.

So he acted mad, refunded him, blocked him. And I was happily getting ny 15 min regs with $5 tips. And I made more.

Assh*le. I just think if you ask a lot from a model you need to tip. If you do a long call you need to tip. If you want extreme sick fetish you need tip. And the audacity to ask for their unused time back ��. So I loved telling him he was cheap and not worth my time. Does not happen often. I like how these people whether on the phone or cam or stripping think you owe them your time because they pay you.

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Wed Jan 25, 2023 10:27 am

TashaToday;3299286 wrote:After every phone call, I send a quick message asking for a review and that I hope to hear from them again soon. I figure it doesn't hurt to ask- how can I include that a tip would be appreciated? When I was dancing, I would say, 'gentlemen always tip,' and that would work 97% of the time. Since I'm chatting with men who need quickies or have a specific fetish, I feel like that statement doesn't work. Any suggestions?
PhatGirlDynomite!!!;3300437 wrote:I ask for tips during and after both phone calls and camshows. Whatecer you say make it sexy and somewhat informal. Try to avoid statements like:

Due to inflation and the nature of our session tips are appreciated.

They don't care to hear about that. Just before you think they're about to cum, say something like "Mmm this is fun and if you agree make sure you hook it up...spoil me with a make me wet!" etc. etc. Say something to that effect.

During the follow up email thank them for the show and repeat what you previously said. Sometimes they follow through and sometimes they don't.
ep2002;3300892 wrote:I'm asking less & less for a review b/c I've lost some great guys b/c of that. SMH

I had no idea you gals ask for tips. WOW. LOL
PlayfulDesire;3302549 wrote:I throw it in like a last minute. Usually not a tip usually just a review. But I end a call quick af because I hate those award ends . I hope you have a good day and leave a review if you liked it . and they can skip it and say okay bye and then its fresh in their mind, the call seemed not to go too long because I ended it.
Victoria_Gray;3303576 wrote:Why do you think you lost the customers asking for a review?
LaurenAus;3308426 wrote:just curious if anyone is on the site IWantPhone? Is it a decent side egg? Thank you
chocbbwdoll;3308447 wrote:yes I am on there. It's a decent side egg if you have the time to be available all day at first to build up clientele. Most of my callers find me via twitter and/or my audio clips for sale on iwantclips
SuperPookie;3308939 wrote:I have got like 3 sessions there in years and 2 of those were from the same guy for my cam listing.
avalon_rose;3309939 wrote:Just saw this thread!! Wanted to pop in and say hi and find a favorite chair to camp out in. ;)

In response to the above conversation about asking for reviews and tips: I always send a message after a call thanking them, they blew my mind etc etc, and kindly ask them to leave a 5 star review. I find it to be very successful.

I don’t get a lot of tips but it’s nice to remind them that reviewing and tipping are options - cuz when they dick-in-hand there ain’t nothing else that exists in the world. ;D;D
sweetcandy121;3312017 wrote:Do you guys find that there are callers during the day? Right now I am essentially working three jobs, one of them being a phone line that I work on nights. During the day (PST), even though I do work, I basically have the whole day where I can take calls in between. I don't want to quit the night job because it is currently paying me way more than I ever made on my own, but might have to if the day is very slow and I won't make as much. Thanks in advance.
Bootsie;3312140 wrote:I do phone between Skype cam sessions, generally 10am-2pm Pacific time and do pretty well. It's almost all regulars, it took me a lot longer to get established in daytime hours than when I worked nights, and being super-consistent with being available during the day helps too.
Sweet_Sadie;3312183 wrote:I'm currently on PST too, so your reply helps. At least I hope so. I'm working a dispatch line. This is a great pocket of time for me to take calls before starting my vanilla gig.
Sweet_Sadie;3312185 wrote:Also, I just don't like the night time guys! I like my day off from work/getting off night shift/pissing around the house type of guys. Once I serviced a Home Depot manager. Asked him if he wanted another round, he was like, "Nah, gotta go to work!"

So now we know what the Home Depot managers are up to, especially if they're in a good mood!
Percy;3312530 wrote:I love the night time guys. Day time guys seem so rude to me. One thing I noticed is that being a cam model from 2010 until about 2016 off and on, but for about 2 years straight, and focusing on domme, made me a better PSO. Like, idk my hustle was already there, on point, I could tune into the men easily, figure out what they wanted. But we can't be rude like cam models, I used to just kick guys out of my room or tell them to "go fuck off" or idk, take my strapon and stick it up their ass and choke lol and we can't do that to idiots on the phone or we would probably lose our contract. So, that's the one thing I miss about camming is that while you are your own boss if you work dispatch, you kind of are not. Plus, I wish I could have my own line where I could party as in, several men could be on line with me a once, in party mode, but I don't use a site like that. I tried a site like that but that site sucked, imo. I like OLD men. OLDER the better, lonely ass old men will give me money and tips all day long.

I also like the drunk guys. They spend a lot too. Some guys on drugs will, like if they are doing poppers or meth. I mean, it's true. Get one on the phone that is so high they act like cornholio and are not even making sense, you can keep them on the line forever LOL.

I am a good actress just from the ex cam model stuff and PSO for years, plus IDK I was in drama class in high school, so I can act, I used to could cry on command as a kid. I would totally freak my family out by doing it and then laughing like, I'm not really sad, I can just make myself cry like crazy. So, I will switch up my "categories" go get new callers. Because I can do almost anything pretty well. Sometimes I get new callers that turn into regs, sometimes I don't seem to get any new callers. Always worth it to me when it's slow. I know my regs will call, and I have nothing to lose.
Percy;3312533 wrote:I switch it up to gain regs. So for a week I'll do only nights, then a week only days, then a week I'll do late late nights, then early evening into late night. I go back and forth like that just pulling in regs during all hours, over time, you can log in at ANY time, and find a stream of regs willing to keep the line ringing. Gives them time to "miss me" and replenish their wallets if they are a reg who likes to spend only on me. So a daytime guy may not have any cash for a week or two, that's ok, I'm back on my night time guys who have had time to get paid and spend on me. Sometimes I'll "surprise" log in during a weird hour and see what happens lol.

I DO spend more time on my "regular hours" which seem to be the most $$ for me. But, when it seems the regs are out of money, I start switching up, then log in an hour or two during my normal hours to let my regs know..well..hey she's still here and on and I see her.

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