Advice For Baby Strippers

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Tue Jan 31, 2023 1:42 pm

Vyanka;2291875 wrote:My advice is, the basics:

- Learn how to hustle and give sensual lap dances. I keep reading on how newbies go for crotch grabbing thinking its the norm. Nooooo. Don't do this while lap dancing. Learn how to be a sexy seductress. TEASE. You can touch his arms, legs, chest, shoulders, back of his neck. NO crotch. If you have no idea how to lap dance, youtube has some videos where you can get an idea. Look on there, or google some videos. ETA - Or look into this thread... ... deo-Thread

-Stage, you don't need to do pole tricks(unless you want to work in a club like King of Diamonds in Miami, just an example). Just learn how to sway your body in a sensual way to the music. Floor work is good too. Just make sure your body isn't greased up with body lotion/oil. Apply that stuff after you shower, preferrably water based body lotions only. Eye contact customers all the time....stage, floor, by the bar, every where. You get the drift.

-Dont break club rules. You can make money as a clean dancer. Use your brain & your looks.

- Don't get sloshed/fucked up. Also, hawk your drinks. Never leave your drink unattended. Speaking of...If you feel the NEED to get drunk/high to do this job, it's not for you. Your physical & mental health come first. You should be able to do this job sober.

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Tue Jan 31, 2023 1:42 pm

Vyanka;2291876 wrote:- Again, hustling...make hustle hut your bible and learn pretty much everything. Learn what to say, how to introduce yourself, mind fuck, & most importantly upsell. Hustle hard. I sound like Jay Z. Ha. Ask questions there. That's what the board is for. Don't be afraid to ask questions. There are some good books mentioned there as a must read. Do a search on it.

-DON'T REVEAL ANY PERSONAL INFO ABOUT YOURSELF. It's for your safety too. You are a made up fantasy character inside the club....who is sexy, flirty, mysterious and fun. Customers don't want to hear about your personal issues either, they are not there for that. DON'T ask them personal stuff like their relationships/SO, kids, work(unless he talks a lot about work). It's a buzz kill, & there goes your potential to make money. They're there to relax, forget about everyday bullshit, and have fun. Make them think you're having fun and that you are a good time.

- Don't forget this is a JOB, so treat it as so. It's not a regular pick up joint/bar.

-Don't sit for too long with a customer who isn't spending. EVER. YOUR time is YOUR MONEY. The most time you should spend to make a sale, probably 2 songs max. If not, on to the next guy. If he wants you to hang out and chat, tell him he must comepensate you for your time(pay for each song... or you can tell him to pay you a certain amount for the hour/half hour. Depending how long he's gonna stay/you make him stay).
Now if you work in one of these clubs where you make most of your money in VIP rooms & not so much on the floor, that's exempt. Depending on the club...sometimes you gotta bullshit for a while on the main floor(on spending customers,not broke ass losers aka time wasters), about half hour or so to do the VIP room. Pay attention to his body language. You will learn this later on. This thread shows you how to spot time wasters aka guys who wont spend....

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Tue Jan 31, 2023 1:42 pm

Vyanka;2291877 wrote:- Look your best when auditioning. Go all out. Wear the tallest shoes you can. Stand straight. Hair, makeup, nails done. Make your stripper persona the hottest thing in the place.

-Don't take shit from any customer. Don't let anyone cross your boundaries or make you feel uncomfortable. Walk away. This is when you need thick skin. Be strong. It's good to be a bitch too, bc of this. Once in a blue, you will come across that dipshit who tries to ruin your day/night.

-Try not to talk to any of the girls. You're not there to make friends or enemies. That girl trying to be your friend...wants your money or borrow something. Don't be naive. Fuck that. Never let anyone borrow your shit spend YOUR money to make YOURSELF money, NOT so someone else can make money!! When I say she wants your money, she is trying to cockblock you from customers being a slick rick. Most ppl don't have good motives. Be aware. Everyone is after themself. Focus on yourself. Work, go home. Stay out of trouble, gossip, & drama. If you have any questions to ask at work, ask your housemom or manager. Those are the ppl you can trust at work & should always ask questions to.

-Have some etiquette. Never approach a customer while a girl is with him, unless one of them invites you over.

- NEVER TELL PEOPLE( dancers, customers, who ever) HOW MUCH YOU MAKE(Especially if you had a great shift, ppl are envious). EVER! Some nosey ass ppl will ask. It's nobody's business. If a dancer asks, your answer should always be..."I did ok" or "I don't know, I count my money when I get home". Same applies to you. Don't ever ask ppl how much they make/made. It's rude. If you want to know about money potential, ask if the club has money pontential.

-Learn about taxes for IC. This is very important. Save money aside.

-Dont be scared, have fun, & MOST importantly make that money! :)

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Tue Jan 31, 2023 1:43 pm

tempest666;2296658 wrote:Bring your own shit (wipies, toothpaste, tampons, mouthwash, etc) Most of that shit can be bought @ Dollar General. If you're too broke to shell out $1 your ass shouldn't be stripping.

If you see a veteran stripper in the DR obviously occupied, FUCK OFF AND LEAVE THEM ALONE. >:( Do NOT try to be my best friend. If I want to talk to you I will.

Don't roll into my club thinking you're the shit.


Don't ask to borrow an outfit after knowing me for an hour.

Don't tell me you're life story. I don't give a fuck that you live with your boyfriend or that you have a cat named Fluffy.

If you see another dancer sitting with a customer, FUCK OFF. (unless invited to sit down or doing tip walk)

Don't ask if I have coke, weed, meth (insert illicit narcotic here) If I do have it chances are it's baby powder that I'm giving you out of spite.

Don't drink my lemonade. I might have pissed in it for pure spite. ::)

Don't reach in my bag and try to borrow my hairbrush when I'm not here.

Speak when spoken to is a good rule.

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Tue Jan 31, 2023 1:43 pm

crystalcakes;2297659 wrote:whats a good first night outfit?.....
Vyanka;2298038 wrote:Call the club you want to audition and ask them what's required for auditions. Every club is different. Some clubs want you to bring an outfit, some don't. Just make sure you bring shoes, a thong, and come in well groomed(hair & makeup)....that's required automatically.

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Tue Jan 31, 2023 1:45 pm

tempest666;2301534 wrote:I know it's a bitch but for delicate outfits try to handwash and drip dry. If you see something you really like always purchase a backup.
Caramel Delight;2308946 wrote:I love this post! So true and well said. If I were a beginner to this life style I would feel right at home! Well I'm new to this site and I still feel right at home. Except a few post I have read with some people fussing at a newbie.
tempest666;2309059 wrote:No matter how tempting it is to have your boyfriend/husband/domestic partner/girlfriend/baby daddy/master WHATEVER "see you in action" don't do it. It's a bad habit that will only hurt your money and lead to bad things. Nobody wants to see their SO being groped/fondled/ naked even if it is for 100's to 1000's of $$$$. Leave that at home.
CelesteJolie;2316818 wrote:I just started at a Plus-sized and Curvy strip club in St. Pete, FL and the advice I got from this board was priceless, so for that, I thank you! It was great to know what to expect, what to bring, and how to handle myself in the club.
Addison;2316825 wrote:Know that you are worth it. This was one of my struggles when I first started. I never even tried to sell VIP because I didn't think anyone would be willing pay $400-500 to hang out with me for an hour. WRONG! Your time, your presence, your company is WORTH IT.
smeca;2323960 wrote:Thought I would add to this- be equally aware of management.
---You don't have to give the owner/manager a dance as part of the 'audition'. You don't HAVE to dance for anyone, if you don't want, and definitely not for free. Don't let them intimidate you into thinking you have to do what the 'boss' says to pass the audition just because you're new.
A lovely brand new girl tonight came back to our table telling us she did this :( They are not training you, they're preying on newbies for free kicks.
Natalllia;2329147 wrote:There are a lot of questions that can only be answered by advising you to watch what the other girls do at a particular club. For example:

-What should I wear to my audition?

-Where do I put my purse when I'm onstage?

Now, it is very important to familiarize yourself with the club's rules ASAP, and also to understand that many girls will be doing things that they (and you) shouldn't be doing. You don't want to mimic bad behavior, but for very general things (such as the questions listed above), it's best to see what the norm is in the club where you wish to work. Things such as proper stage attire, how quickly you undress onstage, and where to put your things while you're onstage will vary from region to region and club to club.

If you can, try to go in ahead of time as a customer to see what the girls are wearing and so on. Watch several of the dancers - if everyone puts her purse in a certain spot, that's what you should do. If everyone's wearing bikinis, don't show up in a gown. You can even buy a lapdance if you want to see the private dance area, and get a feel for what happens there. Be sure to tip your dancer well, and she may even offer you some pointers. For that matter, be sure to tip all the dancers onstage (respectfully! just hand it to her or put it on the stage).

If you can't afford to scope the club out ahead of time, just be sure to keep your eyes open when you arrive for your audition and learn by example. Don't be afraid to ask a floor manager or the DJ or bartender (whoever seems receptive and friendly towards you) questions about where to keep your stuff, etc.
MissAverySkye;2331053 wrote:A few things that helped me when I was a newbie - I hope these help…

-Always keep an emergency kit in your locker (GermX, wipes, deodorant, tampons, tooth brush, bobby pins, bandaids, hair spray, extra makeup incase you forget something at home, needle and thread, safety pins) Yes this list seems a bit much but all these can be found at the dollar store.

-NEVER EVER trash talk another dancer, to anyone. If someone is gossiping I usually say, “ I am Switzerland ” meaning I don’t get involved and walk away.

-Always keep your money bag on your arm or in your hand, never ever leave your bag laying around. If you are on stage keep your bag where only you can reach it.

-When custies are in the building never sit alone and STAY OFF THE DAMN PHONE if possible! Walk around, smile, look like you are happy it makes for a better experience.

-Never Complain to customers about ANYTHING, people come to us to escape, relax and enjoy the fantasy also usually if I am upset about something and I just think like a man and while at work any issue I have in my personal life leaves when I hit the floor.

-Always look nice, somedays we all feel like shit but usually most agree that if they just take a shower and fix themselves up it is a mood booster, so get in HOTTIE PANTS MODE!

-NEVER EVER wear glitter makeup… Usually you will sell less dances, men don’t want to go home and have the wifey/girlfriend see glitter all over them…its kind of unexplainable lol

These are all the tips I have for now, I hope they help. I may add more if I think of any!
Vyanka;2342812 wrote:It's possible that there will be a night where you can walk out of the club negative. If you're working in a club where you have to pay a bunch of fees everyday, always carry extra cash in your wallet just in case.
CubanaBeautii;2359036 wrote:gracias this helps alot. im very nervous because im worried about becoming blank for moves but i practice in my mirror all the time. again thankyou for the great tips!
melany;2365939 wrote:Thank you
That's what I needed to hear
tempest666;2377112 wrote:When you work at a nude club do not sit on bar stools butt ass naked! Bring more than one pair of panties. And don't get so drunk you lose your wig in the loo.
tempest666;2379317 wrote:Making money is your job! Not "being liked" or "making friends"! Remember that.
ioienvyioi;2402808 wrote:Look up pole dancing on YouTube. To get Ideas. If you get a pole at home practice.
goddesskali;2402923 wrote:I love you. That's all. =p


-Learning to give a really seductive strip tease trumps grinding in a guy's lap for 10 mins straight. Your butt will thank you.

-During lapdances, count the songs. After a song ends ask if he wants to keep going. Give the customer a chance to check his funds and go to the ATM. You may think sticking a customer with a $300 dance tab will work, but pissing off customer is a sure way not to get paid.

-If you find a dance outfit that really flatters your body, buy it in every color they have. Outfits should be easy to put on and strip out of.

-Invest in some cute costumes (cop, firefighter etc) on days when you really want to stand out.

-If you have dark skin, wearing brighter colors & rhinestone jewelry will help customers spot you in a dark room.

-Always wear a skirt that is long enough to cover your butt when sitting. Butt pimples are almost impossible to kill!

-Every stripper smells like cotton candy & VS love spell. Pick a scent no one wears.

-Body makeup on any body part a customer will touch is a waste of time. Glitter is a death sentence.

-ALWAYS stick up for yourself. No one else will.

-Don't get illegal plastic surgery. Getting pumped full of industrial silicone mixed with baby oil WILL make you sick or kill you. Save your money and get the real thing.

-Don't carry a bag on the floor. Keep your money close to your body so no one can steal it. I attached my money to an elastic around my bicep, then cashed in my ones for large bills every couple of hours.

-Air out worn pleather/pvc clothing & boots at home. Keeping sweaty pvc in your locker will stink to high heaven!

-I saw a girl "krump" onstage once. It wasn't pretty.

-Get a work cell phone & email so you can stay in contact with your regulars. Make business cards and only give it (discreetly) to people who spend money. Invite them back to your club.

-Hire a shrink or keep a journal. Sex work can make you feel vulnerable and may stir up feelings that you didn't know existed. Some may disagree on this, but everyone processes experiences differently.

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Tue Jan 31, 2023 1:49 pm

simone87;2413024 wrote:THANK YOU! i never talk about money to the girls there i think its rude and unclassy and just asking to be robbed, and there is this one girl at my club i don't know in the least who always comes up and tells us all just how much she's earned like she wants a fucking sticker. god its annoying
Addison;2420894 wrote:The dressing room may seem like a good place to vent or share, but keep in mind that anything you say back there can and will be repeated in front of customers by other dancers (even your "friends" - some otherwise cool dancers seem to lack common sense and filters). Any and everything- no matter how small, seemingly unimportant, or foolish.
sasee;2424060 wrote:It is important not to get drunk before or during work. If you are professional and never drunk you will be respected by management. You are not a cocktail waitress or a bartender. You are not there to sell or drink alchohol. You are there to make money by entertaining the customers. You are in the lap dance sales business. If you would rather sell alchohol, then you can apply for a job as a cocktail waitress or bartender. You don't have to be a stripper. If a guy wants you to get drunk with him beware. There is a reason for that and it's not a good one. Guys who want to buy you drinks will try to take advantage of you. They want your defenses to be slow; which is the ONLY REASON that they are offering to buy you a drink. Don't be afraid to say you make your money doing lap dances not drinking.
sasee;2424061 wrote:A lot of girls will threaten violence... if a bitch does this I will beat her ass. They are trying to act tough and they do have a lot of anger issues. You don't have to let their unprofessional bitterness make you feel scared. Most of those girls are just angry because they are not doing well and they are scared because they don't know how to do their job. They don't have the common sense to seek guidance and they want other girls to feel scared too. Don't. If you are professional you will be able to talk to managment in a logical manner by stating the facts and they will handle it.
Jay12;2424064 wrote:In some clubs dancers may get a commission for selling drinks, or they may also double as waitresses and/or bartenders (there was a club I worked at that one of the day shift bartenders would also double as a dancer).
Addison;2424182 wrote:It's not true that guys only buy you drinks in order to take advantage of you. Buying a woman a drink is an important aspect of the social interaction between a man and a woman. Try not to turn down drinks.. order SOMETHING, even if it's only a coke. He's trying to show interest, and your drink refusal could trigger feelings of rejection.

Also, you'll get on managers good side by selling bottles a lot quicker than you will by being 100% sober all the time. You're there to make money for yourself, yes, but also for the club so selling alcohol and bottles is a major plus. When it comes time to introduce girls to the table of spenders, who do you think the managers are going to take over - the "sober" girl or the girl that's going to sell bottles?
Vyanka;2424193 wrote:Sell, but you don't have to drink it if you wanna stay sober.

I don't think a man is trying to take advantage if he offers a drink. If he's pushing multiple shots, maybe.

Depending on the club you work in, selling bottles gives you free house fees/credit.
sasee;2425506 wrote:Don't be afraid to let custys know this by your actions and attitudes. You need to show that you are worth their money by not doing anything for free. You are not working to get a dinner date with a customer who thinks you are sexy; you are working for cash- because you are sexy. You are not working for drinks, you are working for cash- because you are too sexy to be shy. You are not working for complements, you are working for cash- because you already know that you are sexy. If you work in a topless club don't walk around topless for free. If they ask for free peeks of anything; state the prices with confidence, then say let me know when you are ready and simply walk away with a smile. When you have the confidence to say, these are the prices, let me know when know when you are ready; there is no need to lecture or get mad. Just smile and move on. Because once you have displayed that you have the confidence to acheive your goal of making money, the money will come.
sasee;2425513 wrote:I have worked in clubs where dancers can order virgin drinks that sound like they are alchohol. I have also put drinks up to my mouth to "fake drink" and just gradually dumped them. I would rather not put my focus on selling drinks anyways; with or with out alchohol. I find that I make more consistent $$ when I am focused on selling dances. Everyone is different. I guess it depends on the individual and the club.
tempest666;2425598 wrote:You do not need a passport to travel within the United States or territories under control of the United States. (This was brought on because a n00b at work inquired about passport 'requirements' for a trip to Miami) :rotfl: ::)
Starling;2426008 wrote:This. I have seen this happen a few times. In one of the clubs I've worked, I met a sweet dancer who wasn't unintelligent, but a bit ditsy. Whenever she came in to work, she would have a couple of drinks to loosen up. On more than one occasion she had accidentally slipped private information about other dancers (usually their first real name) to either a customer or to another dancer. One day we were talking about menial things in the dressing room, when she asked me: "Oh, do you know [real first name]?" "Who?" "Oh! I meant [stage name]. I hate it when girls tell me their real names."

So just be careful about revealing your information, especially when alcohol is involved. Its good to have the same lie for everything (fake first name, fake city you live in, fake day job, etc). When you talk to customers as well, they usually end up asking the same questions over and over again so it becomes kind of like a script.
tempest666;2426031 wrote:Yeah be careful who you trust, even if you've known them for years. I had some overly friendly Chatty Cathy try to tell me her real name and ask for mine. "I don't want to know your real name so shut the fuck up and I am sure as hell not going to tell you mine" is my response unless I have known them awhile.
tempest666;2426798 wrote:Do not use lotion baby oil or any kind of lubricant that will make the stage slippery!
iwannastripp;2446050 wrote:So I am dark skin tone and I wanted to know any suggestions for moisturizing without slippery side effects on the floor
Badassbii;2475120 wrote:Ladies do you have to get a license for every city that you dance in or can you just get one for the state that you live in an travel with it. I'm in the process of trying to find a club but I don't want to dance in my hometown. So I thinking about traveling, (3hrs max lol) an that's if the $$$ s rite. And also do you guys think it is smart to call ahead an try to schedule an audition? I mean if I'm traveling I at lease want to be able to talk with management. But everytime I call clubs girls are rude or the line is busy. I just want wana do this right. An need some advice. I was also thinking that Memphis would be a good place to start. Do you guys know any clubs that like Black girls.. i dont kind white ppl but i dont wanna waist my time either if they aint tippin. Also if you ladies know any cities that you can make a lot of money in in the south. List some.. I know atl an memphis an miami so name others please. Also are pole dancing classes a good idea. I thinking yes I could aleast know a couple tricks twirls or something?. Sorry about all the questions lol.
ChunkyDunk;2482833 wrote:^^^^
There's a "club review" tab at the top of the page that provides stripper and customer reviews about clubs around the united states and etc.
tempest666;2482898 wrote:Do not clam the damn pole with your bare vagina >:(
simone87;2482968 wrote:iccckkk! god i HATE that! my skin crawls every time i see a newbie doing that, and i wipe the pole down vigorously..just ew
tempest666;2483367 wrote:Sometimes I'm glad I don't do pole work especially where showing the kitty is compulsory, not optional like Al's in Reading.
tempest666;2654463 wrote:Do I look like I have "Taxi Service" tattooed on me somewhere? If you have a way to the club you better have a way from the club because it sure as hell isn't my fucking responsibility to chauffeur around someone who didn't make preparations beforehand. I've got more important things do deal with and someone's lack of transportation isn't my problem. Get your own damn rides. If I offer is one thing. Begging complete strangers is another.
sweetcrush;2655621 wrote:Im new here and I havent started dancing yet, and I know this post is old as hell, but I dont like being greasy for the whole damn day either. I make sure I put my moisturizer on very early in the day. Also, I feel like exfoliating and getting frequent massages could help with not having to put on lotion all the time.

Look for something really thick and make sure you rub it in real good.

Rub it iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin girl!
Graci;2676648 wrote:Is there a thread for answers to tricky customer questions? Like, how to deflect when guys ask for your number, or turn conversations away from certain topics?

I feel like I've messed up a few times in the last month when I could have made money off of a guy but I didn't have the right answer ready.
Cashmere Star;2677010 wrote:I am going to audition soon - my only worry is that I might trip in my 6-inch platform heels because I am not that experienced yet. If I do everything else right, would I blow my chances if I trip during the audition?
Aniela;2677046 wrote:Even the most super-sober veterans trip once in a while. I think even if you do trip (assuming it is bc you weren't tanked up!) the more important thing would be how you recover from it. I have tripped onstage a bunch of times bc I am just clumsy, I just make light of it & keep right on going. If you can laugh it off &/or continue the flow so the stumble does not seem too noticeable, you will be fine.
whirlerz;2677048 wrote:Check out Hustle Hut, or Stripping..:)

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Tue Jan 31, 2023 1:52 pm

Cashmere Star;2677110 wrote:Phew, so it shouldn't be too bad. I doubt I'll trip but who knows. If I stumble I'd just be like 'whoops' and smile with my hand over my mouth, then go on dancing. If I fall I'd pick myself up. I am not worried about how I handle it, just that it shouldn't disqualify me. I was walking in the 6-inches only for over a week, I could've gotten more practice but I decided that it's better to audition sooner than later.
calinacain;2677935 wrote:TONS of good advice on this Thread! Good luck to you ladies, you'll do great as long as you believe it.

The #1 thing that helped my earnings was CONFIDENCE. Even if you don't feel confident, pretending goes a long way. SuperFlirt by Tracy Cox should be required reading for anyone just starting out. It gives some excellent tips for projecting confidence in the club.

StripperWeb is a great resource and will go a long way in maximizing earnings as long as you follow the right advice.

Good luck to you!
Cashmere Star;2678605 wrote:So I danced yesterday night for the first time.. I was only on stage for 6 minutes (2 songs) and damn, my legs are still sore lol! Better go back this week to practice.
Vyanka;2690028 wrote:I loved that book. That was one of the books I read when I was a newbie.
LanaRey;2690294 wrote:I know this is old, but at my club - it's "the norm" for a guy to buy us a drink. Though the bartender makes my drinks virgin && we get $5 off every drink a guy buys for us. But in my club - if a guy buys us a drink its usually a tell- tale sign that he wants to spend his money on you.
marina_x;2693768 wrote:Going in for an 'interview' for my first time tomorrow. They didn't use the word audition but I'm bringing clothes and shoes in case... and arriving looking hot, or at least thats the plan!

2 Questions.. Should I tell them I've never danced before? & When I first go in and ask for the manager, should I use my real name or stage name?
Flickdreams;2693869 wrote:^Start a separate thread honey :)
marina_x;2693949 wrote:Whoops thank you!
Aniela;2693961 wrote:B4 starting a new thread, try running a search. If you had $1 for every time these questions have been asked you could probably pay off the cost of your first pair of heels.
Aniela;2693964 wrote:You are miles ahead of a lot of girls if you're remaining sober at work. :thumbsup: Sasee's advice is spot-on even in clubs where customers buying dancers drinks is the norm. She was talking abt 'getting drunk' as opposed to just selling/accepting drinks. True, 'buying a drink or two for the dancer' is often a sign the customer is interested in you, but you'll notice Sasee specifically said 'If a guy wants to get you drunk'. Those are the kind of guys that need to be watched out for, & sadly there are A LOT of them out there.
Ellie210;2728094 wrote:What if a girl asks to borrow something as simple as makeup? How do I politely say no without her getting mad at me or thinking I am being rude?
Selina M;2728097 wrote:^ I would say I'm a germaphobe so nobody can borrow my makeup. Though honestly you don't need to explain yourself to anyone and can just say no. You're not there to make friends.
charlie61;2728108 wrote:Even better...tell them you're still recovering from a terrible cold / flu / plague.
tempest666;2732728 wrote:"Buy your own shit. If you're too broke to buy your own makeup you shouldn't be stripping."
I don't care if I appear rude or if someone gets butthurt.
ChloeLuva;2756427 wrote:I don't understand this. How do you get the job if you don't dance for them?
Aurora14;2756431 wrote:Auditions are done on stage. Not a lap. You can tell a lot about someone by watching a 2/3 song stage set.

If a manager/owner says you have to do an actual lap dance for them, they are scuzz. That won't be the dirtiest thing going on in there. LEAVE
ChloeLuva;2756434 wrote:Thank you for the quick response! Good to know.
charlie61;2760782 wrote:Thought I'd add to this thread, along the lines of "mistakes newbies make..." After returning to dancing, I'm noticing all kinds of mistakes I made back when I was dancing the first time around. Just a few come to mind right now.

Mistake #1: Not exercising or lifting weights because "dancing is exercise." To keep your body strong, you need to treat yourself like a professional athlete. Give yourself the day off after a night of work if your body is hurting. But the next day, get into the gym to lift and do some cardio. I used to only do cardio, which can throw your muscles out of balance and make them too lean. These days, my knees are thanking me for doing quad / hamstring / abductor / adductor strengthening exercises. Lifting weights and stretching are a big deal. Use your free evenings in front of the tv to stretch while you're zoning out.

Mistake #2: Not doing anything before you go into work, to "save up your energy." I used to get into the habit of giving myself a couple of days before a night of work to be a total couch-loser. I wouldn't go outside or do anything productive, and I'd just obsess over the upcoming night of work. Not only did this result in me building up negative energy about working and resenting the job itself, but it was terrible for my mental health in general. Instead, keep to a normal routine as much as you possibly can. On the day that I work, I volunteer, go grocery shopping, go for a walk outside, and then shower and get ready for work. That way I don't spend the day obsessing about my upcoming shift, which helps keep my energy clean.

Mistake #3: Not paying attention to what you're doing with your knees on stage. If you dance just once a year, you have little risk of injuring yourself. But if you're working once a week, those cute little floor moves you do where you're banging your knees into the stage really start to add up. Be as gentle as possible while also putting on a good show. Calculate the "worth-it-ness" of hurting your knees for someone who's throwing handfuls of money at you vs. putting on a big show for people who are tipping you a dollar at a time. Pay attention to the shoes you're wearing, how often you're using your knees as fulcrums, and how often you squat down to take tips.
Aniela;2768018 wrote:^^^^ INTENTIONALLY banging your knees into the stage? What the hell could be considered 'cute' abt that? :ouch: What I am picturing right now looks painful & downright masochistic.

But yes Yes YES pay attention to how you're using your body while dancing. If there is a pole or a wall available, use them for balance & for taking the majority of your wgt while bending over, squatting, etc. Be careful w/ splits & other extensions. Coming down hard into a full split & bouncing up&down on those fully extended hips is hard as hell on them, & there's nothing sexy abt literally being unable to stand the nxt day bc your groin muscles are overtaxed & refuse to support your wgt.

Everything ^^^^ abt free wgts on your off days is also spot on.
charlie61;2768023 wrote:^At my dive, we used to do bachelor-party dances on stage, where we'd do all kinds of stuff to humiliate the Bachelor. This included a popular move where we'd put the guy on his back on stage, position ourselves between his legs, and pretend to fuck him (with our bottoms on and everything - it was just a funny thing to do in front of his friends). When you do that on stage, you're banging your knees into the floor. That's just one example of the plethora of stupid things I used to do with my knees. I used to rock my body back and forth onto my knees, put needless pressure on them during my stage shows, etc.

Save the knees!! :)
TearieLeigh;2773832 wrote:All I have to say is dont go around bragging about how good the blow you have is, and dont brag about how your dad kicked out of the house because he found out you were selling drugs.

Urg I seriously hate girls like this that come into my club.
BiSexyandSpicy;2774218 wrote:Thank You for all the great advice.
tempest666;2774241 wrote:"Fuck off and buy your own goddamn makeup. If you can't afford Dollar tree makeup you shouldn't be stripping."
(Yes I said this to someone. They didn't even know me and they were asking to borrow my shit.)
BiSexyandSpicy;2774244 wrote:@ rosemead......

Love the avatar...looks like a woman dreaming, very creative.
savannahjames;2782755 wrote:100% pure cold pressed extra virgin coconut. This is the only moisturizer I use. I make sure to put it on at least an hour before going into work. It absorbs rapidly and wont leave the stage and poles slippery.

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Tue Jan 31, 2023 2:02 pm

naomi28;2786194 wrote:If I had to give advice to anyone starting, it would be to do your research and seek out support. I was lucky enough to find this forum before I started dancing. I spent like a week pouring over everything before I auditioned. It was so helpful to me. Make sure that you know what you are getting into and make sure you know your rights. I remember the best piece of advice I got from someone on here was something along the lines of:

"Don't do anything that you aren't comfortable with, even if a custy offers you a lot of Money. If you give an inch they will take a mile. And don't feel bad about it either."
STRAIGHTALK;2789271 wrote:You can visit this website for many tips, tricks, and simple help for many of dancing questions
Garnetroses;2800848 wrote:Hello! I will start dancing officially on this Thursday.I am a bit nervous, but yet I know what I have to offer. Definetly no "extras" over here. I want to be a good exotic dancer, so to speak. Can I just have a rundown possibly of what an entertainer should bring to work? Like perfume, wipes etc? I have been I guess ghost reading and researching this forum, and found alot of useful and helpful tips and tricks. Anything is appreciated. Just trying to prepare for my first day! Nervous- excited. Like a sexy schoolgirl's first day of school Lol
savannahjames;2801071 wrote:Here's some basics that you should bring.
Lock if they have lockers
Unscented babywipes
2 pairs of shoes
2 outfits with extra thongs to change in and out of
rubbing alcohol and lint free cotton wipes. (you'll want to wipe down with these every hour or so to save you from getting ass and back of the leg pimples)
bring your own make up
Hair tools (when your new, girls will not be to keen to share)
A big enough bag to carry it all in. bring some snack bars too to eat mid shift if you get hungry. The high protein low sugar ones will keep you from bloating. Don't wear any lotion, if get really dry and ashy like me use 100% pure extra virgin coconut oil and put it on at least 2 hours before your shift. It absorbs very fast and wont grease up the pole. If you choose to wear perfume be sure to only wear it behind your ears, back of the knee and in the crease of your elbows. Men don't like going home to their wives smelling like other women. Hope this helps! Anymore question feel free to PM me.
Garnetroses;2801075 wrote:Thank you soooooo very much Savannah. This helps alot. I figure the first time will be a bit nerve racking, but I hope to find my own groove after a while. I know this is a bit outlandish question Lol I know we are a type of entertainer, in a way creative, maybe performance art if you look at it from a certain angle, but have exotic dancers/Strippers ever used streamers, flags or props to enhance their performance in addition to the pole? Thanks.
Aniela;2801362 wrote:'strippers/exotic dancers' … wow. Don't overthink the job title. No need to be PC here, just call us what we are

As for streamers, flags … if you're thinking seriously abt this, I would suggest actually going to a club as a customer first to get a better idea of what you're getting into. This isn't like the high school auxiliary dancers that come out at halftime during football games to entertain the crowd, & it's not burlesque.

Sm feature dancers may use various props & various fancy costumes, but those are girls who have been doing this for a while & have a routine down cold.
Garnetroses;2801363 wrote:Yeah you're right. I tend to over think things sometimes. I have been to numerous clubs, but I just thought that would add. Wrong thinking. I start tonight as a dancer , and It is what it is. Still trying to learn the ropes. Thanks for being straight with me. We are what we are.
SalemTheStripper;2803195 wrote:I really wish I would have found this forum before I'd started dancing. It would have really helped my nerves. Now I'm planning on auditioning for my second club soon. And certainly figuring out where I've been going wrong! Thank y'all so much.
TheGoldenEmpress;2808689 wrote:Thanx so much Vyanka! I have learned a lot reading this thread 😆
justsomechick22;2812283 wrote:where can you get pole dancing classes and my biggest issue with this type of dance is the top vid's first 20 seconds on how she moves her butt. Like That's exactly what my friend was trying to teach me. I can't like slowly gradually move like that are there dance classes for that too? Or does it come with the pole dancing?
Aniela;2812458 wrote:Don't bother w/ pole classes unless it's an urban club, & even then. Pole takes major strength so you def don't want to rush it. Save your $$$ & learn pole tricks OTJ/via Youtube + practising at work w/ the physical conditioning you will build up from dancing. Ditto any 'booty/twerk' classes. All of that can be learnt for free while working.
justsomechick22;2812533 wrote:How do I know if a club is urban or not? I don't get what am I supposed to do while I have the job and know absolutely nothing. I am interested in CH I think I'm going to go next Saturday and check it out. Then apply in the next two weeks.
savannahjames;2822533 wrote:you'll do just fine. Make your routine is on point if you decide to use props, I've only ever seen feature dancers use props.
Vyanka;2857841 wrote:Don't ever give your I.D. & social security number to another chic, so that she can work at a club. (((Head bang))). It's illegal, and you'll be paying taxes on money that wasn't yours!!

Just witnessed this stupidity.
Gia2608;2857876 wrote:That site redirects somewhere else and my anti-virus recommended I didn't open it. I am not sure where you found it...
Gia2608;2857877 wrote:Sold! Although I did see a girl do an entire stage set once "en point", as in prima ballerina. It was erotic and hot.
Heart&Pole;2858748 wrote:Best advice for new girls on stage: SLOW DOWN.

Don't try to be a rap video girl right from the jump.

The slower and more controlled your movements are, the more freedom and flexibility you have to change your mind re: your next move as well as the freedom to transition to a new sequence/set of moves.

Flowwww slowwww & fake it until you make it :)
Heart&Pole;2858752 wrote:I'm going to agree for the most part with Aniela, but add my own little twist.

As a former pole fitness instructor, I see tremendous value in taking a couple beginner level classes. If exotic dancing is your career or even your passion, invest in yourself!!

Learning some basic spins & smooth/controlled ways to transition from the pole to the floor & back can aid in your stage presence & confidence TREMENDOUSLY. Confidence is what draws the money - it really isn't about your "moves."

For the most part, customers are so enthralled with your body and watching you (admiringly) that you can pretty much do no wrong HOWEVER, I've definitely discovered that having a few basic spins/moves under your belt can quickly build confidence in beginning dancers and give them a trick/move to revert to if their mind goes blank.

After that, its an lifestyle...the more advanced I got on the pole tricks/stage presentation, I increased my stage show tips as well as the quantity of private dances sold after I exited the stage. I personally found a passion for "pole fitness & even competitions," but that is not the route that many people choose.

When I found myself starting to spend extra money on the "pole arts," that was when I got may ass back in the club and made sure I was using my skills to line my pockets.

If you want to work on booty popping/twerking/etc -> the best advice I can give is to get on your knees in front of a full length mirror and start testing things out...warning: you may not leave this mirror for the next 3 weeks lmao.
SeraphinaAngel;2885863 wrote:Thank you. I do this regularly anyway, but due to some past issues I've had growing up, that really helps. I'm actually looking to do exotic dancing for multiple reasons, but the main one is because I absolutely love to dance. :)
SeraphinaAngel;2885864 wrote:Thank you again :)
maggie82;2891349 wrote:So that is not cool for them to ask for a lap dance ever? Is the audition just supposed to be a pole routine?
NewTanyaStar;2897909 wrote:Hi

I have been reading a lot about becomeing sripper and aftr reading a lot of all the negative and positive reviews, comments and blogs I am still very interested it giving it a go, considering the negatives I feel like I would have a lot of fun and want to try and become a successful stripper on the weekends in London, UK.
The only advice I could not much on was 'which strip clubs are recommended' Can anyone reccomend some good strip clubs to work for in London ???? (i know there are a lot out there that are not very good or the a lot o club takes to much money from the strippers or have pushy male owners) are there any good ones that are recommended for beginners ??
LoveyDovey;2907191 wrote:Girls ask me all the time to teach them my pole work, but I'm self-taught and hesitant to teach others what I know. I always tell everyone to take a class so that they can be taught by an instructor properly. I tell new girls to not copy me because most of them are wasted and wind up falling off the pole, hitting their heads. So I tell them don't drink. Take classes. They'll learn their own moves too with practice.
Vyanka;2909330 wrote:Look through club chat. This thread is to help newbies how to work/act in the SC.
Layla.00;2909359 wrote:Read the UK thread. It has a lot of useful info about London and other UK clubs. I wouldn't recommend starting in London if you're not from there though.

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Tue Jan 31, 2023 2:08 pm

AmairaBasu;2910593 wrote:such a creative blog, I like this stuffs which are shared in this post. :)
Angelica21;2912580 wrote:These are some tips in different areas, starting with getting hired:

-Like it's been said.. Look your best and be professional, polite and confident but not arrogant, smile and don't let the nerves get the best of you. If it's a classy place, act classy yourself and know that you got what it takes.
-To avoid being given the run around, call ahead to know about the audition process in that specific club.
-When the manager or whoever is in charge of auditions shows up, smile and keep calmed, listen carefully to the instructions given for the audition and hiring process, in some club this may take hours and in some others they'll just have you sign some papers and show you to the dressing room within minutes.

*New girl "dressing room etiquette"
-Don't try to make eye contact with the girls there or start conversation till you can get a feel of the general vibe and know that it's safe to do so. Look straight ahead looking for a free space/corner/counter, away from the most concentrated areas. Some girls are very territorial and will start a fight because you put your make up bag in "their space" or if you accidentally touch their things or them.
-Say excuse me a lot when you bump into people by accident, or when you have to go through, you just never know the kind of girls you're working with, specially the first days. They may all be nice and polite but some of them may also be high/drunk and ready to flip out for no reason.
- If you have questions look discreetly for body language and ask someone that seems friendly and unoccupied. If you see someone frantically rushing to get ready, that is not the time to ask for help.
striplover;2931918 wrote:I love this post! Starting this weekend... So nervous!
Thanks so much for your advices.
trustfundkiller;2932141 wrote:-Learn as much as you can about sales and psychology. Take advantage of HH - it's free and it has all of the information you will ever need to know.

-Be professional. You're there to make money, not to party.

-Stay sober. Having a shot or two is fine, but stay away from the powder and the needles, and don't drink too much.

-Invest in your appearance from the very beginning. Eat a clean diet and work out, get plastic surgery if you feel inspired to do so, learn how to do your hair and makeup, invest in high quality outfits, etc. If you want to make money, you have to look like money.

-Save as much as possible. Try to save at least 50%. You can never have too much money in your savings account. The more you spend today, the less you have in the future. My belief is that it's not a matter of if something will go wrong, it's a matter of when.

-Do your taxes. The IRS is a scary entity and if you ever want to own anything, those tax returns are going to be incredibly useful.

-Get on the floor and start hustling as soon as you get to work. Try to get that first sale as soon as possible. I find that it's a lot easier to keep hustling once that first dance is sold. Don't laze around in the dressing room and complain when it gets slow. You're only further creating more negative energy for yourself, and the moment Mr. Money Bags walks through the door, you're going to miss him.

-Learn how to handle rejection. This took me a long time; whenever a customer would say no, I took it personally. This is a sales job and the majority of customers are going to say no. Don't let it upset you.

-Be quiet and keep to yourself. Don't talk to any girls on your first night. Don't ask for advice. Don't tell them anything about yourself. Come prepared - don't frantically run around the dressing room asking girls if you can borrow deodorant or hairspray.

-Don't trust anyone - staff members, fellow dancers, customers, etc.

-Never compromise your morals.
CrushLondon;2932214 wrote:This is helpful advice as it is all a learning curve, I've found you've just got to learn and adapt your own style and most of all enjoy yourself!
Thanks for posting :)
JudyBenson;2985439 wrote:Thanks for the advice.
rechelsnow;2993547 wrote:thankx . :D
VioletWitch;3025479 wrote:Is there a thread about stripper skin care? I have problems with ingrown hairs/rash and dark knees from crawling around on the stage... they won't go away no matter what I do
viniyer;3035813 wrote:good post
CLindsey;3042203 wrote:Thanks for the post.
Ifyouseekamy;3053811 wrote:I don’t really help newbies because it’s such an over saturated market and there the possibility of getting into some bad shit.

I guess my advice is stay to yourself and stay away from bad influences. Make your money and find people outside of work for “friends” at least in the beginning. Later on if you want you can explore, but seriously watch for red flags when mixing work and home life.

I don’t talk to new girls at work because I just need to check you out and make sure you will appreciate my kindness and not mistake it for weakness.

As a mature dancer you have youth to your advantage. My advantage is my experience so I’m not just going to be your best friend and show you the ropes.
My time is money and I don’t give my time to people for free. I don’t owe anyone anything. I read a lot of sales books to be a good salesperson and I expect newbies to do the same. But I am always happy to answer basic questions about the club.
Badulove;3058271 wrote:Did you ever get a response on this?
RyanXO;3068449 wrote:Frequently Asked Questions:

Am I too fat to strip?

Or just go audition and find out!

How do I approach and talk to customers, thnx?

What clubs are good in Detroit/Dallas/Denver/Etc?

(this whole board has almost every city)

How do I file taxes?


All the threads about breast augmentation link:
gothprincess;3071746 wrote:thanks so much for your tips and advice as a newbie this is invaluable :)
ravenloonytix666;3080015 wrote:new here... im a little "curvy" and i wanna get into stripping so far i just make videos and clips and do NF and Chatfunn... not relevant but im wondering are there bbw specific clubs or do i just hope that theyll let me audition and ill lose weight once im working and doing my workouts on the side. i workout everyday but im just thick... i am really nervous about walking in there and them laughing in my face after i say i wanna audition. is there anything i can do to maybe make my current weight work in my favor?
emmieswift;3081065 wrote:Viagra is one of the most popular medicines in the world which is used to treat the ED problem. It is the brand version of sildenafil that belongs to the class of PDE5 inhibitor.
Ifyouseekamy;3088717 wrote:Strip and grow rich is basically the strippers’ bible- it tells you everything you need to know. Plus you’ll become a sales professional-which is a transferable skill.

The days of taking off your clothes and raking it up are gone. You need legit sales skills to make money as a clean dancer.

I use it all the time outside the club-helped me with my social skills deficit.
Vyanka;3106511 wrote:Don't ask your co-workers for ANYTHING. I had a chic at work ask me how to make money... um, idk you and I don't want to either. No, just NO. I'm not there to coach ppl.

That irritated the shit out of me. She got a blank gtfo of my face stare and an "idk" response.
LecrameMark;3122376 wrote:I am new here and I wonder if i will be able to dance, because i am shy to show my body, but i need to do money so..
Any advises?
Angel_Kitteneque;3122595 wrote:You'd just have to bite the bullet and do so. Maybe a topless club instead of a full nude club?
charlie61;3122596 wrote:I was quite shy and also a virgin for the first two years of my stripping career. I'd never even taken my top off in front of someone in my personal life until maybe a year into my stripping career. On top of that, i have a huge fear of public speaking (to this day), so it's not like i was prepared in any way for an career in exhibitionism.

For me it was just about money. I wanted it. I wanted fast, big money. So i made it happen. The nudity wasn't a big deal to me. Because remember, there's a huge difference between taking your clothes off OTC (where it's a huge taboo and unexpected) and taking them off ITC (where it's celebrated and expected). There are naked women walking around everywhere. Your tits are just another pair of tits, no big deal.

Focus on the money, whip your top off, make fat stacks.
candymika;3225706 wrote:I have read your blog, it was very helpful for me. I want to say thank you to you. I have bookmarked your website to read more news articles from you.
AlexiaPG;3269506 wrote:Very nice blog..
HelenaMaria;3270615 wrote:Thanks for the advice. Happy to join this forum.
Babystripper6569;3276379 wrote:Hi guys I'm new here I want to audition at a club but I've audition 2 times and I get told to come back when I can shake ass and it seems like I've tried everything and for some reason I have a lot of anxiety it's the only club around that allows me to dance under 21 does anyone have tips please and thank you

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